共 91 个单词
光伏专业英语相关的的单词有【chalcopyrite】【shunting】【Siemens】【silicon nitride】【silicon dioxide】【passivate】【acceptor】【telluride】【phosphine】【becquerel】【thin film】【metallurgic】【conduction band】【electron beam】【ohmic】【ultrahigh frequency】【nano】【covalent bond】【light emitting diode】【grain size】【grain boundary】【oxychloride】【polycrystalline】【kerf】【stoichiometry】【tetrahedral】【microcrystalline】【all weather】【gravitational attraction】【insolation】【interpenetrate】【browning】【remote sensing】【varistor】【commutate】【adulteration】【tidal force】【fuelled】【wind turbines】【off the shelf】等。
chalcopyriten.黄铜矿;英英释义 chalcopyrite[ ,klk'pairait ]n.a yellow copper ore (CuFeS2) made up of copper and iron sul...
详细解释shuntingn.分流;v.把(铁路货车等)调到另一轨道上,使转轨( shunt的现在分词 );英英释义 shunt[ 'nti ]n.a passage by which ...
详细解释silicon dioxiden.二氧化硅;英英释义 silicon dioxide n.a white or colorless vitreous insoluble solid (SiO2); various form...
详细解释acceptorn.接受者,接收器;受主;被诱物;英英释义 acceptor[ k'sept ]n.(chemistry) in the formation of a coordinate bond i...
详细解释telluriden.碲化物;英英释义 telluride[ 'teljuraid, -rid ]n.any binary compound of tellurium with other more electroposit...
详细解释phosphinen.磷化氢,三氢化磷;英英释义 phosphine[ 'fsfin, -fi:n ]n.a colorless gas with a strong fishy smell; used as a p...
详细解释becquereln.贝可勒尔(放射性强度单位,每秒有一个原子衰变);贝克勒尔;英英释义 becquerel[ bek'rel ]n.French physicist who...
详细解释thin film释义薄膜;英英释义 Thin filmA thin film is a layer of material ranging from fractions of a nanometer (monolayer...
详细解释metallurgicadj.冶金学的;英英释义 metallurgic[ ,mel'l:dik,-kl ]adj.of or relating to metallurgy"metallurgical engineer"同...
详细解释conduction band释义导带,传导带;英英释义 Conduction bandThe conduction band is the range of electron energies enough to...
详细解释electron beam释义电子束;英英释义 electron beam n.a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation同义词:b...
详细解释ultrahigh frequencyn.超高频率,特高频;英英释义 ultrahigh frequency n.300 to 3000 megahertz同义词:UHF
详细解释nanon. 纳;毫微n. (Nano)人名;(英)内诺;(意、西、阿尔巴)[计量] 纳诺;(日)梛野(姓) 英英释义 NANONANO is an international ...
详细解释covalent bondn.共价键;英英释义 covalent bond n.a chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms ...
详细解释grain size释义粒度,颗粒尺寸,结晶粒度[大小];英英释义 Grain sizeParticle size, also called grain size, refers to the di...
详细解释grain boundary释义晶界;晶粒间界;英英释义 Grain boundaryMicrograph of a polycrystalline metal; grain boundaries evidenc...
详细解释polycrystallineadj.多晶的;英英释义 polycrystalline[ ,pli'kristlain, -lin ]adj.composed of aggregates of crystals"polycr...
详细解释stoichiometryn.化学计算(法),化学计量学;英英释义 stoichiometry[ ,stiki'mitri ]n.(chemistry) the relation between the ...
详细解释microcrystallineadj.微晶的;英英释义 microcrystalline[ ,maikru'kristlain ]adj.containing crystals that are visible only ...
详细解释all weather释义全天候的;英英释义 all weather adj.usable or operative or practiced in all kinds of weather同义词:all-we...
详细解释gravitational attraction释义地球[万有]引力;英英释义 gravitational attraction n.(physics) the force of attraction betwee...
详细解释insolationn.(尤指为脱色)曝晒;英英释义 insolation[ ,insu'lein ]n.sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or exce...
详细解释interpenetratev.渗透,互相贯通; 变形 过去式:interpenetrated过去分词:interpenetrated现在分词:interpenetrating第三人称...
详细解释browningn.(调制肉汁用的)棕色着色剂;褐化;英英释义 browning[ 'brauni ]n.United States inventor of firearms (especially...
详细解释remote sensing释义遥感,遥测,远距离读出;英英释义 Remote sensingRemote sensing techniques in archaeology are an increas...
详细解释commutatevi.使方向转换,整流; 变形 过去式:commutated过去分词:commutated现在分词:commutating第三人称单数:commutates ...
详细解释adulterationn.掺假;掺杂,掺假货;英英释义 adulteration[ 'dltrein ]n.being mixed with extraneous material; the product o...
详细解释tidal force释义潮力,潮汐力,引潮力;英英释义 Tidal forceThe tidal force is a secondary effect of the force of gravity a...
详细解释fuelledadj.(以…)作为燃料的; 双语释义n.(名词)[U][C]燃料,燃烧剂 wood, coal, oil, etc. that can burn to make heat or po...
详细解释off the shelf释义现货供应;英英释义 off the shelf adj.(especially of clothing) made in standard sizes and available from...