共 112 个单词
侏罗纪世界Jurassic-World相关的的单词有【henhouse】【rec room】【field test】【climb out】【pecking order】【tree frog】【velociraptor】【mosasaurus】【look alive】【on alert】【chromatophore】【war zone】【monorail】【gyroscopic】【cuttlefish】【ballpark】【unshakeable】【bloodline】【Rex】【take shelter】【raptor】【knock it off】【stoned】【spiked】【thymine】【cytosine】【guanine】【adenine】【heatstroke】【beta】【hide from】【triceratops】【take as】【consult with】【chopper】【paddock】【Costa Rica】【Afghanistan】【milligram】【get in】等。
henhousen.鸡舍; 变形 复数:henhouses 英英释义 henhouse[ 'henhaus ]n.a farm building for housing poultry同义词:chicken ...
详细解释rec roomn.娱乐室,康健中心;英英释义 rec room n.a room equipped for informal entertaining同义词:recreation room
详细解释field testn.实地试验;英英释义 field test n.a test of the performance of some new product under the conditions in which ...
详细解释pecking ordern.啄序,任何团体中的长幼强弱次序; 变形 复数:pecking orders 英英释义 pecking order n.the organization of p...
详细解释tree frogn.树蛙,雨蛙;英英释义 tree frog n.arboreal amphibians usually having adhesive disks at the tip of each toe; of...
详细解释chromatophoren.色素胞,色素体;载色体;英英释义 Chromatophore[[Zebrafish chromatophores mediate background adaptation on...
详细解释war zonen.交战地带,战区(尤指公海上);英英释义 war zone n.a combat zone where military operations are coordinated (esp...
详细解释monorailn.单轨(铁路);单轨索道; 变形 复数:monorails 英英释义 monorail[ 'mnureil ]n.a railway having a single track
详细解释gyroscopicadj.回转仪的;英英释义 gyroscopic[ ,dairs'kpik ]adj.having the characteristics of a gyroscope
详细解释cuttlefishn.乌贼,墨鱼; 变形 复数:cuttlefishcuttlefishes 英英释义 cuttlefish[ 'ktl,fi ]n.ten-armed oval-bodied cephalo...
详细解释ballparkn.棒球场;adj.运动场的,大致正确的; 变形 复数:ballparks 英英释义 ballpark[ 'bl,p:k ]n.a facility in which ball...
详细解释bloodlinen.(动物的)血统,血族; 变形 复数:bloodlines 英英释义 bloodline[ 'bldlain ]n.the descendants of one individua...
详细解释raptorn.猛禽,肉食鸟; 变形 复数:raptors 英英释义 raptor[ 'rpt(r) ]n.any of numerous carnivorous birds that hunt and ki...
详细解释stonedadj.去核的,醉酒的,飘飘欲仙的;英英释义 stoned[ stund ]adj.under the influence of narcotics同义词:hopped-up
详细解释spikedadj.有穗的;成锥形的;有尖顶的;英英释义 spiked[ spaikt ]adj.equipped with long sharp-pointed projections especial...
详细解释thyminen.胸腺嘧啶;英英释义 thymine[ 'aimi:n, -min ]n.a base found in DNA (but not in RNA) and derived from pyrimidine; ...
详细解释cytosinen.胞核嘧啶,氧氨嘧啶;英英释义 cytosine[ 'sait,si:n ]n.a base found in DNA and RNA and derived from pyrimidine; ...
详细解释guaninen.鸟嘌呤(核酸的基本成分);英英释义 guanine[ 'w:ni:n ]n.a purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with cytosine同...
详细解释adeninen.腺嘌呤;英英释义 adenine[ 'dni:n ]n.(biochemistry) purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with thymine in DNA ...
详细解释heatstroken.中暑;英英释义 heatstroke[ 'hi:tstruk ]n.collapse caused by exposure to excessive heat同义词:heat hyperpyre...
详细解释betan.贝塔,希腊字母中的第二个字母; 变形 复数:betas 英英释义 beta[ 'bi:t, 'bei- ]n.the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabe...
详细解释triceratopsn.三角恐龙;英英释义 triceratops[ trai'sertps ]n.huge ceratopsian dinosaur having three horns and the neck he...
详细解释paddockn.小围场;检阅场;v.把…关入围场; 变形 复数:paddocks 英英释义 paddock[ 'pdk ]n.pen where racehorses are saddled...
详细解释Costa Rican.哥斯达黎加;英英释义 Costa Rica n.a republic in Central America; one of the most politically stable countrie...
详细解释Afghanistann.阿富汗;英英释义 Afghanistan[ f'nistn ]n.a mountainous landlocked country in central Asia; bordered by Iran...
详细解释milligramn.毫克(千分之一克); 变形 复数:milligrams 英英释义 milligram[ 'milirm ]n.one thousandth (1/1,000) gram同义词...