共 102 个单词
rattann.藤杖,藤条;白藤;英英释义 rattan[ r'tn, r- ]n.climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the ...
详细解释instepn.脚背,脚背形的东西; 变形 复数:insteps 英英释义 instep[ 'instep ]n.the arch of the footthe part of a shoe or st...
详细解释aggrandizevt.扩大某人的权力;提高某人的地位;夸大;吹捧 变形 过去式:aggrandized过去分词:aggrandized现在分词:aggrandiz...
详细解释ASEANabbr.东南亚国家联盟(东盟);英英释义 ASEAN[ ':si:n ]n.an association of nations dedicated to economic and politica...
详细解释zithern.筝,齐特琴,扁琴; 变形 复数:zithers 英英释义 zither[ 'zi ]n.a musical stringed instrument with strings stretch...
详细解释visceran.内脏,内容;内脏,腑脏( viscus的名词复数 );脏腑;脏器英英释义 viscera[ 'visr ]n.internal organs collectively (...
详细解释manchun.满人;adj.满族的; 变形 复数:Manchu 英英释义 manchu[ 'mntu: ]n.a member of the Manchu speaking people of Mongol...
详细解释supplicationn.恳求,祈愿,哀求; 变形 复数:supplications 英英释义 supplication[ ,spli'kein ]n.a prayer asking God's hel...
详细解释triumphaladj.胜利的,用于胜利的,庆祝胜利的;英英释义 triumphal[ trai'mfl ]adj.relating to or celebrating a triumph"a tr...
详细解释UNESCOabbr.United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织;英英释义 UNESCO[ ju:'nesku...
详细解释alkaloidn.生物碱,植物碱基;英英释义 alkaloid[ 'lklid ]n.natural bases containing nitrogen found in plants
详细解释outboundadj.开往外地的,开往外国的;英英释义 outbound[ 'autbaund ]adj.that is going out or leaving同义词:outwardoutward...
详细解释centralismn.中央集权制;英英释义 centralism[ 'sentrlizm ]n.the political policy of concentrating power in a central orga...
详细解释chlorofluorocarbonn.含氯氟烃(即破坏臭氧层的CFC); 变形 复数:chlorofluorocarbons 英英释义 chlorofluorocarbon[ 'kl:ru,f...
详细解释recuperationn.复原;恢复;挽回;弥补英英释义 recuperation[ ri,kju:p-'rein ]n.gradual healing (through rest) after sickne...