英式音标:[ˈpæsɪdʒ] 怎么读
美式音标:[ˈpæsɪdʒ] 怎么读
词汇归类 绯闻女孩第一季逐集添加 泰坦尼克号-Titanic 少年派的奇幻漂流-Life-of-Pi 绝望的主妇Desperate-Housewives-全八季词频大全 英语单词词频20000之1-6000 现当代英语6000高频词汇
同义词: verandah veranda slype porch piazza opening hallway hall gallery corridor alleyway access
同根词: passer passageway passable pass
n. 一段(文章);走廊;通路
n. (Passage)人名;(英)帕西奇;(法)帕萨热
n.(名词)[C]通道,过道 a long narrow connecting way, especially inside a building
[C](文章的)一段,一节 a usually short part of a speech or a piece of writing or music, considered by itself
[U]经过,通过,消逝 the action of going across, by, over, through, etc., sth; the course or onward flow (of time)
the act of passing from one state or place to the next
a section of text; particularly a section of medium length
a way through or along which someone or something may pass
the passing of a law by a legislative body
a journey usually by ship
"the outward passage took 10 days"
a short section of a musical composition
同义词:musical passage
a path or channel or duct through or along which something may pass
"the nasal passages"
a bodily reaction of changing from one place or stage to another
"the passage of air from the lungs"
the motion of one object relative to another
the act of passing something to another person
同义词:handing over
用作名词 (n.)
block (up) passage阻挡通行
block (up) passage of information封锁消息
clear passage扫清通道
cut a passage开出一条通道
fight a passage through crowd在人群中挤出一条路
force passage强行开路
force passage through从…中挤过去
force passage through crowd在人群中挤出一条路
analyze passage分析一段
delete passage删去一段
extract passage摘录一段
quote passage引用一段
read passage读一段
accomplish passage走完航程
book passage预订船〔机、车〕票
cancel passage退船〔机、车〕票
take passage in搭乘
work passage在船上做工以支付船费
narrow passage狭窄的通道
safe passage安全通道
secret passage秘密通道
fair passage顺利的航行
free passage自由通行,免费航行
outward passage外出旅行
quiet passage顺利的航行
regular passage定期航行
rough passage困难的航行
smooth passage顺利的航行
choice passage精选的章节
following passage以下一段
long passage一长段
obscure passage难懂的章节
puzzling passage令人费解的段落
short passage(文章)一小段
the finest passage最精彩的章节
day passage白天航行
night passage夜间航行
ocean passage海洋航行
during passage在航海中
rite of passage人生大事,一生中的转折点
liner on passage from从…出发的定期班机
with passage of time随着时间的推移
passage across the Pacific横渡太平洋的航行
passage from从…迁来
passage from Shakespeare莎士比亚剧本中的一段
passage in building屋内的通道
passage in〔of〕 the Bible 《圣经》中的一段
passage of time时间的变迁
passage of two hundred years两百年历史的变迁
passage to迁至…
passage of time时光流逝(专辑)
air passage气道;通风槽
flow passage流道;通流部分;液流通道
safe passage安全通行,安全通道
underground passage地下通道;地底通道;地下道
take one's passage定购船票
water passage水道;水通路
rite of passage n. [人类学]通过仪式;人生大事及其庆祝仪式(常用复数形式表示)
passage way通道,通路
free passage自由通行;[法]自由通行权
innocent passage(船舶的)无害通过
drake passage德雷克海峡
oil passage油道;润滑油道;润滑油孔
purple passage n. 词藻华丽的段落
meridian passage[天]中天
sea passage海上航道
The bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of vehicles.
The police kept a clear passage for the traffic.
We discovered a secret passage behind the wall.
This is our room, and yours is down the passage.
This passage may be given several interpretations.
He's had a rough passage since his son's death, with one illness after another.
Enzyme-replacement therapy in mucopolysaccharidosis IThe estimation of protein degradability in the rumen from incubation measurements weighted according to rate of passage
Derivation of completely cell culture-derived mice from early-passage embryonic stem cells.
Passage of inhaled particles into the blood circulation in humans.
Interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor stimulate human vascular endothelial cells to promote transendothelial neutrophil passage.
Random Walks on Lattices. III. Calculation of First‐Passage Times with Application to Exciton Trapping on Photosynthetic Units
A Guide to First-Passage Processes
Geomagnetic activity associated with earth passage of interplanetary shock disturbances and coronal mass ejections
Investigation of chromium, cerium and cobalt as markers in digesta [of ruminants, horses and rabbits]. Rate of passage studies.
The passage of energetic charged particles through interplanetary space ☆
passage: [13] Passage goes back to the Latin ancestor of modern French. Here, the noun *passāticum was derived from passāre (source of English pass). This found its way into English via Old French passage. At first it simply meant ‘passing’ or ‘way along which one passes’; the sense ‘segment of music, text, etc’ did not emerge in English until the 16th century.=> pass
passage (n.)
early 13c., "a road, passage;" late 13c., "action of passing," from Old French passage "mountain pass, passage" (11c.), from passer "to go by" (see pass (v.)). Meaning "corridor in a building" first recorded 1610s. Meaning "a portion of writing" is from 1610s, of music, from 1670s.
1. How do you read this passage?
2. She took a passage from a novel.
3. We threaded through the narrow passage.
4. The teacher dictated a passage to the class.
5. I will read you the passage which particularly hurts me.
6. I took my father`s Kant book and read her a passage on analysis and dialectics that neither of us understood.
7. It springs from a deeper well, safe from dementia and the passage of time.
8. So I think we all perceive the passage of time in very similar ways.
9. So you can see in that passage Hobbes takes himself to be a moralist writing within the great tradition of moral philosophy.
10. With the passage of time the question that confronts this boy and other members of his generation is as complex as to be or not to be.
11. We exist in an invisible passage of time.
12. Mind you, this area is like that passage in Labyrinth that just goes on and on and looks the same for ever.
13. In order that every student might understand it, the teacher explained that passage again and again.
14. I enjoy reciting an English passage every day.
15. Those twists and turns she experienced evolve into fortitudinous charm with the passage of time.
16. Consider this passage in Book VIII of the Republic that I encourage you to read but is not on your assigned list.
17. Before North and South America joined three million years ago, there was a deep water passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic.
18. She looked up, but it was all dark overhead; before her was another long passage, and the White Rabbit was still in sight, hurrying down it.
爱丽丝一点儿也没摔坏,她立即站起来,向上看看,黑洞洞的。 朝前一看,是个很长的走廊,她又看见了那只白兔正急急忙忙地朝前跑。
19. But no turning of the seasons can diminish the pain and the loss of that day. No passage of time and no dark skies can ever dull the meaning of this moment.
20. It was whispered, by those who peered after her, that the scarlet letter threw a lurid gleam along the dark passage-way of the interior.
21. Let her know that her period is a right/rite of passage to celebrate.
22. Focus on verbs: Find a passage that you admire (about a page of prose) and examine all of the verbs in each sentence.
23. Then you get this interesting passage in 13:51.
24. But if they studied the passage just once and did a practice test in the second session, they did very well on one test two days later, and another given a week later.
25. He read the last paragraph of “The Theologians” aloud, a passage in which a character goes to heaven, only to realize that his rival is, metaphorically, his other half.
26. He read the last paragraph of “The Theologians” aloud, a passage in which a character goes to heaven, only to realize that his rival is, metaphorically, his other half.
27. Nobody wants to remain a beginner. It is merely a rite of passage everyone must experience.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
28. I quote the passage; the Italics are mine.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
29. translate a passage literally
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
30. Flow often induces a “gentle sense of euphoria” and can make you unaware of the passage of time.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
31. The maritime passage was a good augury for the aerial passage.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
32. Passage 27-Passage 28
第三部分 阅读实战 (英文)passage 27-passage 28
-- 来源 -- 初一英语快速阅读(无声音) - 第三部分 阅读实战 (英文)Passage 27-Passage 28
33. Passage 33-Passage 34
第三部分 阅读实战 (英文)passage 33-passage 34
-- 来源 -- 初一英语快速阅读(无声音) - 第三部分 阅读实战 (英文)Passage 33-Passage 34
34. Good software shortens that passage without bringing attention to it.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓
35. a purple passage [patch]
(文章中尤其) 华丽的
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
36. The writer knows not to insert an obscure word in a particularly quiet and sensitive passage, lest it sound like a sour note in a string quartet.
-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓