共 29 个单词
self-aggrandizementn.自我扩张;英英释义 self-aggrandizement[ ,self'rndizmnt ] act undertaken to increase your own po...
详细解释shofarn.(古代希伯来人作战或举行宗教仪式时吹的)羊角号; 变形 复数:shofars 英英释义 shofar[ 'uf, -f:, u'f: ] ancien...
详细解释deadheadn.免费乘客,免费入场者;沉材;铸头;枯立木英英释义 deadhead[ 'dedhed ]n.a nonenterprising person who is not payi...
详细解释unbendableadj.不屈不挠的;一心一意的;专心致志的;坚定不移的英英释义 unbendable[ 'n'bendbl ]adj.marked by firm determina...
详细解释dried-upadj.枯萎的,干缩的;英英释义 dried-up[ draidp ]adj.(used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture"drie...
详细解释rough-and-tumbleadj.杂乱无章的,混乱的;n.混战,扭打;英英释义 rough-and-tumble[ 'rfn'tmbl ]n.disorderly fighting同义词:...
详细解释rotatoryadj.回转的;使回转的;轮流的;引起旋转的英英释义 rotatory[ 'ruttri, ru'tei- ]adj.of or relating to or characteri...
详细解释provisionaryadj.临时的;英英释义 provisionary[ pr'vinri ]adj.under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon同义...
详细解释wire-pullern.操纵者;英英释义 wire-puller[ 'wai,pul ] who uses secret influence (i.e. pulls wires or strings) for h...
详细解释judeo-christianadj.同是犹太教与基督教的,犹太教与基督教所共有的;英英释义 judeo-christian[ du:'di:u'kristn ]adj.being hi...
详细解释nonliterateadj.不能读或写的,无文字的;英英释义 nonliterate[ nn'litrt ]adj.used of a society that has not developed writ...
详细解释lumpenadj.失业流浪的,破落户的;英英释义 lumpen[ ,lmpn, 'lum- ]adj.mentally sluggish同义词:lumpishunthinking
详细解释even-temperedadj.性情平和的,沉着的,稳重的;英英释义 even-tempered[ 'i:vn'tempd ]adj.not easily irritated同义词:equabl...
详细解释demythologizev.除去…的神话色彩;英英释义 demythologize[ di:mi'ldaiz ]v.remove the mythical element from (writings)"the ...
详细解释tidelandn.潮浸区,潮间地;英英释义 tideland[ 'taidlnd ] near the sea that is overflowed by the tide
详细解释uninitiateadj.& n.未被接纳入会的(人); 缺乏某种知识或经验的(人);英英释义 uninitiaten.people who have not been intro...
详细解释illogicn.不合逻辑,缺乏逻辑;英英释义 illogic[ i'ldik ]n.invalid or incorrect reasoning同义词:illogicalityillogicalness...
详细解释de-emphasizev.不再强调,不再重视;英英释义 de-emphasize[ di:'emfsaiz ]v.reduce the emphasis同义词:de-emphasisedestress
详细解释brachiopodn.腕足类动物的一种;英英释义 brachiopod[ 'brkipd ]n.marine animal with bivalve shell having a pair of arms bea...
详细解释milldamn.水闸;英英释义 milldam[ 'mildm ]n.dam to make a millpond to provide power for a water mill
详细解释uninspiringadj.引不起兴趣的,无鼓舞作用的,无指望的;英英释义 uninspiring[ ,nin'spairi ]adj.depressing to the spirit"a v...
详细解释aestheticiann.审美学家;英英释义 aesthetician[ ,i:s'tin ]n.a worker skilled in giving beauty treatments (manicures and f...
详细解释bowerbirdn.澳洲产的一种鸟;英英释义 bowerbird[ 'baub:d ]n.any of various birds of the Australian region whose males buil...
详细解释artsy-craftsyadj.浮华而不实用的,附庸风雅的,假装朴实的;英英释义 artsy-craftsyadj.pretentiously artistic; cloyingly cha...
详细解释dinetten.(厨房旁的)小餐室,小餐室的餐桌和椅子;英英释义 dinette[ dai'net ]n.a small area off of a kitchen that is used...