共 44 个单词
FORREST-GUMP相关的的单词有【retread】【scuzzy】【uncle sam】【Revolutionary War】【helo】【OCS】【kabob】【as you were】【government issue】【show and tell】【Armed Services】【firebase】【beatnik】【flag down】【dirt road】【Ku Klux Klan】【voice-over】【deep fried】【coon】【sitting room】【toilet paper】【Nashville】【git】【ride off】【live out of】【ice cream cone】【sit out】【air strike】【take cover】【night club】【gain on】【Co-Ed】【in the world】【gimp】【pull back】【indisposed】【around the corner】【Tennessee】【ma'am】【Mekong】等。
retreadvt.翻新;n.翻新的轮胎; 变形 复数:retreads过去式:retreaded过去分词:retreaded现在分词:retreading第三人称单数:...
详细解释uncle samn.山姆大叔(指美国政府或美国人);[电影]夺命惊吓;英英释义 uncle sam n.a personification of the United States g...
详细解释kabobn.烤肉串; 变形 复数:kabobs 英英释义 kabob[ k'bb ]n.cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with ve...
详细解释as you were释义原地不动,还原,复原(恢复原来的姿势);英英释义 As You WereAs You Were is a 2005 live album by English a...
详细解释government issue释义公债券发行,国家证券发行;英英释义 government issue (as food or clothing or ammunition) i...
详细解释show and tell释义(让学生在课堂上展示并介绍带来的物品的)展示和讲述课;英英释义 Show and tellShow and tell is a common e...
详细解释Armed Servicesn.陆海空三军;英英释义 Armed Services n.the military forces of a nation同义词:militaryarmed forcesmilitar...
详细解释firebasen.重火力点(向敌人发射重型炮火的军事基地);英英释义 firebase[ 'faibeis ] artillery base to support advancin...
详细解释beatnikn.反传统一代成员, (俗称)披头族的人; 变形 复数:beatniks 英英释义 beatnik[ 'bi:tnik ]n.a member of the beat ge...
详细解释Ku Klux Klann.三K 党(美国南部的白人秘密组织,利用暴力反对社会变革和黑人的平等权利);英英释义 Ku Klux Klan n.a secret s...
详细解释voice-overn.画外音; 变形 复数:voice-overs 英英释义 voice-over[ 'vis,uv ]n.the voice on an unseen commentator in a film...
详细解释coonn.浣熊,无可救药者,黑人; 变形 复数:coons 英英释义 coon[ ku:n ] eccentric or undignified rustic"I'll be a gone...
详细解释sitting roomn.起居室;客厅; 变形 复数:sitting rooms 英英释义 sitting room n.a room in a private house or establishment...
详细解释toilet papern.卫生纸,草纸;手纸;英英释义 toilet paper n.a soft thin absorbent paper for use in toilets同义词:toilet t...
详细解释Nashvillen.纳什维尔(美国田纳西州首府);英英释义 Nashville[ 'nvil ] of the state of Tennessee; located in the ...
详细解释gitn.饭桶,无用的人; 变形 复数:gits 英英释义 git[ it ]n.a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible"the Br...
详细解释ice cream conen.冰淇淋蛋卷;英英释义 Ice cream coneAn ice cream cone, poke or cornet is a dry, cone-shaped pastry, usual...
详细解释sit out释义在户外坐;出席直至完全结束;不参加某种活动;英英释义 sit out v.not participate in (an activity, such as a dan...
详细解释air strike释义空中出击;空袭; 变形 复数:air strikes 英英释义 AirstrikeAn airstrike is a military strike by air forces ...
详细解释take cover释义藏身,躲避;隐蔽;英英释义 Take CoverTake Cover is an EP by hard rock band Mr. Big.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释night clubn.夜总会;英英释义 night club n.a spot that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers ...
详细解释Co-Edn.(男女同校学校的)女学生;adj.男女同校的; 变形 复数:co-eds 英英释义 Co-Ed[ 'ku'ed ]n.a female student at a coed...
详细解释gimpn.嵌心狭辫带;v.用辫带装饰;英英释义 gimp[ imp ]n.disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet同义词:...
详细解释pull back释义(使)(某人,尤指一组士兵)撤出阵地;英英释义 pull back n.a device (as a decorative loop of cord or fabric...
详细解释indisposedadj.不舒服的;有病的;不愿的;不乐意的v.厌恶( indispose的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 indisposed[ ,indis'puzd ...
详细解释Tennesseen.田纳西州;英英释义 Tennessee[ ,teni'si: ]n.a state in east central United States同义词:Volunteer StateTNa ri...