共 32 个单词
ACELEADER-Classic-Enrichment-经典强化课程LEVEL-4相关的的单词有【illegal immigrant】【to the utmost】【tourist destination】【nebulae】【possible outcome】【current situation】【handprint】【survival rate】【stained glass】【mandrill】【Open Championship】【solar wind】【hit the jackpot】【edible oil】【Fire Department】【mosasaur】【souk】【fast lane】【shamanism】【synesthesia】【hybrid rice】【check-in】【at a stretch】【boiled eggs】【manned mission】【in debt】【energy conservation】【chemical composition】【kinesthetic】【financial crisis】【traffic congestion】【elementary school】等。
nebulaen.星云;星云( nebula的名词复数 );星云状的星系;英英释义 nebula[ 'nebjulai, -li: ]n.a medicinal liquid preparatio...
详细解释survival rate释义成活率;英英释义 Survival rateIn biostatistics, survival rate is a part of survival analysis, indicatin...
详细解释stained glassn.彩色的玻璃(常于镶嵌在教堂的窗户);英英释义 stained glass that has been colored in some way; use...
详细解释mandrilln.山魈(西非洲产的大狒狒);英英释义 mandrill[ 'mndril ]n.baboon of west Africa with a bright red and blue muzzl...
详细解释hit the jackpot释义赢得最大赌注;中头彩;获得巨大成功;赢得大笔钱英英释义 hit the jackpot v.succeed by luck同义词:luck ...
详细解释Fire Departmentn.消防队,火灾保险公司; 变形 复数:fire departments 英英释义 Fire Department n.the department of local g...
详细解释fast lanen.快车道[亦作 express lane];2。快速出纳机; 变形 复数:fast lanes 英英释义 fast lane n.a hectic and pressured ...
详细解释shamanism释义萨满[黄]教(亚洲北部流行的一种原始宗教);英英释义 shamanism[ ':mnizm, 'm- ]n.any animistic religion simila...
详细解释synesthesian.共感觉,副感觉;英英释义 synesthesia[ ,sinis'i:zi, -ni:s-, -i ]n.a sensation that normally occurs in one se...
详细解释hybrid rice释义杂交[水]稻;英英释义 Hybrid riceHybrid rice is any genealogy of rice produced by crossbreeding different ...
详细解释check-inn.签到;投宿登记手续;验票并领取登机卡;登记入住 变形 复数:check-ins 英英释义 check-in[ 'tek,in ]n.the act of r...
详细解释energy conservation释义能源节约,能量守恒[不灭];节能;英英释义 Energy conservationEnergy conservation refers to reducin...
详细解释kinestheticadj.肌肉运动知觉的;英英释义 kinesthetic[ ,kinis'etik, ,kai- ]adj.of or relating to kinesthesis同义词:kinaes...
详细解释financial crisis释义金融[财政]危机;英英释义 Financial crisisThe term financial crisis is applied broadly to a variety o...
详细解释traffic congestion释义通信量拥挤,信号拥挤;英英释义 Traffic congestionTraffic congestion is a condition on road network...
详细解释elementary schooln.小学; 变形 复数:elementary schools 英英释义 elementary school n.a school for young children; usuall...