共 52 个单词
高级职业英语English-at-Work相关的的单词有【cardiograph】【catch on to】【chocolate bar】【be quick on the uptake】【come to a head】【beefburger】【spyhole】【in more detail】【blende】【in-patient】【appeal against】【nibble at】【keep one's fingers crossed】【even-tempered】【briber】【sexual discrimination】【radiographer】【multi-level】【thickener】【set fire】【embezzler】【abstainer】【on the dole】【off-hand】【blood platelet】【up to standard】【floristry】【domestic chores】【letter of recommendation】【lay emphasis on】【extension number】【spill into】【scrap heap】【keen to】【fierce competition】【odd job】【tokenism】【assembly hall】【football field】【worse off】等。
cardiographn.心(动)电(流)图;英英释义 cardiograph[ 'k:dir:f ]n.medical instrument that records electric currents ass...
详细解释beefburgern.德式牛排,煎牛肉饼; 变形 复数:beefburgers 英英释义 beefburger[ 'bi:f,b: ]n.a sandwich consisting of a frie...
详细解释spyholen.观察孔;英英释义 spyhole[ 'spihul ]n.a hole (in a door or an oven etc) through which you can peep同义词:peepho...
详细解释blenden.闪锌矿;英英释义 blende[ blend ]n.an ore that is the chief source of zinc; consists largely of zinc sulfide in c...
详细解释in-patientn.住院病人; 变形 复数:in-patients 英英释义 in-patient[ 'inpeint ]n.a patient who is residing in the hospital...
详细解释even-temperedadj.性情平和的,沉着的,稳重的;英英释义 even-tempered[ 'i:vn'tempd ]adj.not easily irritated同义词:equabl...
详细解释bribern.行贿者; 变形 复数:bribers 英英释义 briber[ 'braib: ]n.someone who pays (or otherwise incites) you to commit a ...
详细解释sexual discrimination释义性别歧视;英英释义 sexual discrimination n.discrimination (usually in employment) that excludes...
详细解释radiographern.放射线技师; 变形 复数:radiographers 英英释义 radiographer[ ,reidi'-rf ]n.a person who makes radiographs
详细解释multi-level释义多用水平尺;英英释义 multi-leveladj.of a building having more than one level同义词:multilevel
详细解释thickenern.稠化,增浓过程; 变形 复数:thickeners 英英释义 thickener[ 'ikn ]n.any material used to thicken同义词:thicke...
详细解释embezzlern.盗用公款者,侵占公款犯;英英释义 embezzler[ im'bezl ]n.someone who violates a trust by taking (money) for the...
详细解释abstainern.节制者,戒酒者,弃权者; 变形 复数:abstainers 英英释义 abstainer[ b'stein ]n.someone who practices self deni...
详细解释off-handadv.立即,当即,事先没有准备地;adj.临时的;非正式的;随便的;无礼的英英释义 off-hand[ ':f'hnd ]adj.with little ...
详细解释blood plateletn.血小板;英英释义 blood platelet n.tiny bits of protoplasm found in vertebrate blood; essential for blood...
详细解释floristryn.花卉栽培技术;英英释义 FloristryA [[vase arrangement of Princess Irene tulips and berries]]以上来源于:Wikiped...
详细解释scrap heapn.垃圾堆,废铜烂铁堆,废物堆;英英释义 scrap heap [ 'skrphi:p ]n.an accumulation of refuse and discarded matte...
详细解释tokenism释义象征主义;英英释义 TokenismTokenism is the policy or practice of making a perfunctory gesture toward the inc...
详细解释assembly halln.会馆,议场;大礼堂;礼堂;会堂英英释义 assembly hall n.a hall where many people can congregate
详细解释football fieldn.[体]足球场;英英释义 football field n.the playing field on which football is played同义词:gridiron