共 30 个单词
英语浸入式校本实验教材科学与社会第二册相关的的单词有【catchment area】【panama canal】【clarifier】【fish culture】【boiled water】【boiled】【industrial production】【water pipe】【filter paper】【paramecium】【room temperature】【amoeba】【stoma】【mudskipper】【flowering plant】【Suez Canal】【filtrate】【lolly】【water vapour】【overcrowd】【tap water】【base on】【ice cube】【cacti】【pumping station】【surpassing】【mice】【sedimentation】【excretion】【be composed of】等。
catchment arean.排水区,下游区; 变形 复数:catchment areas 英英释义 catchment area n.the geographical area draining int...
详细解释panama canaln.巴拿马运河(穿过巴拿马地峡,接通太平洋和大西洋);英英释义 panama canal n.a ship canal 40 miles long acros...
详细解释industrial production释义工业生产;英英释义 Industrial productionIndustrial production is a measure of output of the ind...
详细解释water pipen.水管,水烟筒;英英释义 water pipe n.an oriental tobacco pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a contai...
详细解释filter papern.滤纸(尤指定量滤纸);英英释义 filter paper n.a porous unsized paper used for filtering
详细解释parameciumn.草履虫; 变形 复数:paramecia 英英释义 paramecium[ ,pr'mi:sim ]n.any member of the genus Paramecium同义词:p...
详细解释room temperaturen.室温,常温(约20摄氏度);英英释义 room temperature n.the normal temperature of room in which people l...
详细解释amoeban.阿米巴,变形虫;adj.变形虫的; 变形 复数:amoebasamoebae 英英释义 amoeba[ 'mi:b ]n.naked freshwater or marine or...
详细解释stoman.(植物)气孔,(动物)气门; 变形 复数:stomasstomata 英英释义 stoma[ 'stum ]n.a minute epidermal pore in a leaf ...
详细解释mudskippern.弹涂鱼,跳跳鱼,泥猴;英英释义 mudskipper[ 'mdskip ]n.found in tropical coastal regions of Africa and Asia; ...
详细解释flowering plant释义有花植物;英英释义 flowering plant n.plants having seeds in a closed ovary同义词:angiosperm
详细解释Suez Canaln.苏伊士运河(埃及东北部);释义[地名] [埃及] 苏伊士运河;英英释义 Suez Canal n.a ship canal in northeastern E...
详细解释filtratev.过滤,筛选;n.滤出液; 变形 过去式:filtrated过去分词:filtrated现在分词:filtrating第三人称单数:filtrates 英...
详细解释lollyn.棒糖,冰棍儿;钱; 变形 复数:lollies 英英释义 lolly[ 'lli ]n.informal terms for money同义词:boodlebreadcabbagec...
详细解释water vapourn.水蒸汽;水汽;水蒸气;英英释义 water vapour n.water in a vaporous form diffused in the atmosphere but belo...
详细解释overcrowdvt.使过度拥挤,把…塞得太满; 变形 过去式:overcrowded过去分词:overcrowded现在分词:overcrowding第三人称单数:...
详细解释ice cuben.冰块; 变形 复数:ice cubes 英英释义 ice cube n.a small cube of artificial ice; used for cooling drinks
详细解释cactin.仙人掌;仙人掌,仙人球( cactus的名词复数);英英释义 cactus[ 'kktai ]n.any succulent plant of the family Cactaceae...
详细解释pumping station释义泵站;英英释义 pumping station n.a house where pumps (e.g. to irrigate) are installed and operated同义...
详细解释micen.老鼠( mouse的名词复数 );鼠标;羞怯[胆小]的人;mouse的复数形式英英释义 mouse[ mais ]n.any of numerous small rodent...
详细解释sedimentationn.沉淀,沉降;沉积;淤积;沉降法英英释义 sedimentation[ ,sedimn'tein ]n.the phenomenon of sediment or grave...
详细解释excretionn.(动植物的)排泄,排泄物; 变形 复数:excretions 英英释义 excretion[ ek'skri:n ]n.the bodily process of disch...