共 12 个单词
美国当代语料库COCA6000高频词汇相关的的单词有【crake】【one third】【two thirds】【self esteem】【resistent】【short term】【old fashioned】【well known】【health care】【long term】【full time】【middle class】等。
one third释义三分之一;英英释义 one third n.one of three equal parts of a divisible whole同义词:one-thirdthirdtierce
详细解释two thirds英英释义 two thirds n.two of three equal parts of a divisible whole同义词:two-thirds
详细解释self esteem释义自尊;英英释义 self esteem n.a feeling of pride in yourself同义词:self-esteemself-pridethe quality of be...
详细解释short term释义短期;近期;英英释义 short term adj.relating to or extending over a limited period同义词:short-runshort-t...
详细解释old fashioned释义古典鸡尾酒;英英释义 old fashioned n.a cocktail made of whiskey and bitters and sugar with fruit slices...
详细解释well known释义众所周知的;出名的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)出名的,众所周知的; 熟悉的 known by many people 英英释义 well know...
详细解释health care释义卫生保健;英英释义 health care n.social insurance for the ill and injuredthe preservation of mental and p...
详细解释long term释义长期的;英英释义 long term adj.relating to or extending over a relatively long time同义词:long-runlong-ter...
详细解释full timen.专职,全部时间;英英释义 full time adj.for the entire time appropriate to an activity同义词:full-timeadv.for...
详细解释middle classn.中产阶级; 变形 复数:middle classes 英英释义 middle class n.the social class between the lower and upper ...