共 83 个单词
看美剧攻略相关的的单词有【double date】【bucc】【residents】【gay radar】【Krump】【tear duct】【doppelganger】【smuggle stuff】【raise the roof】【court order】【sneaking around】【bollywood】【prenup】【prosecution attorney】【fresh-squeezed】【court reporter】【anonymous tips】【may-december relationship】【counter-proposal】【orange chicken】【wild oats】【a sore loser】【curtains】【ill-considered】【doohickey】【cut the line】【wild goose chase】【keep watch at night】【organ bank】【code blue】【favourate】【catfight】【search warrant】【court summons】【overruled】【cross-question】【masquerade ball】【drama queen】【M.O.】【destroy evidence】等。
double date释义两对男女一起参加的约会;英英释义 double date n.a date in which two couples participatev.go out on a date ...
详细解释residentsn.居民( resident的名词复数 );(旅馆的)住宿者;英英释义 residentn.someone who lives at a particular place for ...
详细解释tear ductn.泪腺;泪管;英英释义 tear duct n.any of several small ducts that carry tears from the lacrimal glands同义词:...
详细解释doppelgangern.(德国民间传说中活人的)幽灵;;面貌相似的人,另一个我;英英释义 doppelganger[ 'dpl,g ]n.a ghostly double ...
详细解释court ordern.法院指令,法庭庭谕;英英释义 court order n.a writ issued by a court of law requiring a person to do somethi...
详细解释bollywoodn.宝莱坞(位于印度孟买的电影制作中心);[电影]波莱坞;英英释义 bollywood[ 'bli:wud ]n.the film industry of Indi...
详细解释court reportern.法院书记官;英英释义 Court reporterA court reporter or court stenographer,BBC News 27 April 2011: "Is st...
详细解释counter-proposaln.反建议网络反建议案;相对提案;对案 英英释义 counter-proposaln.a proposal offered as an alternative to ...
详细解释orange chicken释义陈皮鸡 ;香橙鸡;英英释义 Orange chickenHunan origin. The variety of orange chicken most commonly foun...
详细解释wild oatsn.(年轻人的)轻率,放荡不羁;英英释义 wild oats n.any of various plants of the genus Uvularia having yellowish...
详细解释curtainsn.帘( curtain的名词复数 );幕;窗帘;覆盖物英英释义 curtainn.hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a win...
详细解释ill-consideredadj.不充分考虑的,不妥当的;着三不着两;英英释义 ill-considered[ 'ilkn'sidd ]adj.not given careful conside...
详细解释doohickeyn.小玩意,窍门,装置;英英释义 doohickey[ 'du:,hiki ]n.something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or ...
详细解释catfightn.激烈的争辩; 变形 复数:catfights 英英释义 CatfightCatfight is a compilation of unreleased songs by the Britis...
详细解释search warrantn.搜索证; 变形 复数:search warrants 英英释义 search warrant n.a warrant authorizing law enforcement offi...
详细解释overruledv.批驳,推翻,拒绝( overrule的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 overrulev.rule against"The Republicans were overrule...
详细解释cross-questionn.& vt.盘问;反复询问;审问; 变形 复数:cross-questions过去式:cross-questioned过去分词:cross-questioned...
详细解释masquerade ball释义假面舞会;英英释义 masquerade ball n.a ball at which guests wear costumes and masks同义词:masked bal...
详细解释drama queenn.someone who makes fuss about nothing;in a histrionic manner;a girl who exaggerates her problems;大惊小怪...
详细解释M.O.abbr.medical officer 医药管理员;[医]Medical Officer医官;英英释义 M.O.n.a polyvalent metallic element that resemble...