共 43 个单词
magnetometern.磁力计;英英释义 magnetometer[ ,mni'tmit ]n.a meter to compare strengths of magnetic fields同义词:gaussme...
详细解释barographn.(自动)气压计;英英释义 barograph[ 'brur:f, -rf ]n.a recording barometer; automatically records on paper the...
详细解释analyzern.分析者,分析器;吸收器;英英释义 analyzer[ 'n,laiz ]n.an instrument that performs analyses同义词:analyser
详细解释galvanometern.检流计;电流表;英英释义 galvanometer[ ,lv'nmit ]n.meter for detecting or comparing or measuring small ele...
详细解释anechoicadj.无回声的,无反响的;英英释义 anechoic[ ,ne'kuik ]adj.not having or producing echoes; sound-absorbent"an anec...
详细解释potentiometern.电位计,分压计;电势计;分压器;英英释义 potentiometer[ pu,teni'mit ]n.a measuring instrument for measuri...
详细解释preamplifiern.(无线电)前置放大器;增音机;预放器;英英释义 PreamplifierAn example of a typical [[high-end stereo pream...
详细解释gravimetern.比重计,重力计;英英释义 gravimeter[ r'vimit ]n.a measuring instrument for determining the specific gravity ...
详细解释anemometern.风速计;英英释义 anemometer[ ,ni'mmit ]n.a gauge for recording the speed and direction of wind同义词:wind g...
详细解释radiometern.辐射计,放射计;英英释义 radiometer[ ,reidi'mit ]n.meter to detect and measure radiant energy (electromagnet...
详细解释cavitationn.空洞形成,气穴现象;空化;涡凹;汽蚀英英释义 CavitationCavitation, in biology, is the formation of cavities ...
详细解释acousticaladj.听觉的,声学的;英英释义 acoustical[ 'ku:stikl ]adj.of or relating to the science of acoustics同义词:acou...
详细解释encodern.译码器,编码器;构码器;英英释义 EncoderAn encoder is a device, circuit, transducer, software program, algorith...
详细解释bourdonn.低音部音塞,低音,最低音的钟;英英释义 bourdon[ 'budn ]n.a pipe of the bagpipe that is tuned to produce a singl...
详细解释spectrophotometern.分光光度计;英英释义 spectrophotometer[ ,spektrufu'tmit ]n.a photometer for comparing two light radia...
详细解释nephoscopen.云观测器;英英释义 nephoscope[ 'nefskup ]n.a measuring instrument that uses a grid for measuring the altitud...
详细解释manometern.压力计;英英释义 manometer[ m'nmit ]n.a pressure gauge for comparing pressures of a gas
详细解释ceilometern.云幂测量仪,云高批示器;英英释义 CeilometerA ceilometer is a device that uses a laser or other light source ...
详细解释viscometern.黏度计;英英释义 viscometer[ vis'kmit ]n.a measuring instrument for measuring viscosity同义词:viscosimeter
详细解释bimetallicadj.二金属的,复本位制的;英英释义 bimetallic[ ,baimi'tlik ]adj.pertaining to a monetary system based on two m...
详细解释NMRabbr.normal mode rejection 标准模式抑制;nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振成像;英英释义 NMRn.resonance of ...
详细解释calorimetern.热量计;测热计;英英释义 calorimeter[ ,kl'rimit ]n.a measuring instrument that determines quantities of hea...
详细解释aneroidadj.无液的,不利用液体的;n.无液气压计;英英释义 aneroid[ 'nrid ]n.a barometer that measures pressure without usi...
详细解释hygrometern.湿度计;英英释义 hygrometer[ hai'rmit ]n.measuring instrument for measuring the relative humidity of the atm...
详细解释calomeln.甘汞,氯化亚汞;轻粉;英英释义 calomel[ 'klmel ]n.a tasteless colorless powder used medicinally as a cathartic同...
详细解释comparatorn.比较仪,比较器;比测器;比长仪;英英释义 ComparatorIn electronics, a comparator is a device that compares tw...
详细解释tachometern.转速计,流速计;测速计;旋速计;速度计英英释义 tachometer[ t'kmit, t- ]n.measuring instrument for indicating...
详细解释sensingn.感觉;读出;辨向;指向英英释义 sensing[ 'sensi ]n.the perception that something has occurred or some state exis...
详细解释oscillatorn.振荡器;振子;英英释义 oscillator[ 'sileit ]n.generator that produces sonic oscillations or alternating curr...
详细解释adsorptionn.吸附(作用);英英释义 adsorption[ d's:pn ]n.the accumulation of molecules of a gas to form a thin film on t...
详细解释imagingn.成像,镜像,映像;透视显像;意像疗法;v.设想,想象(image的ing形式);英英释义 imaging[ 'imidi ]n.the ability to ...
详细解释blackbodyn.黑体(能全部吸收辐射能的物体); 变形 复数:blackbodies 英英释义 blackbody[ 'blk'bdi ]n.a hypothetical object...