共 42 个单词
法律相关的的单词有【Civil Suit Law】【military law】【royalties】【rights of man】【administrative law】【to come into force】【Government bill】【invalidation】【canon law】【legitimation】【Code of civil law】【codification】【mercantile law】【repeal rescission】【to enact a law】【death tax】【to pass a bill】【fiscal law】【natural law】【nonretroactive character】【right of asylum】【to promulgate a law】【labour laws】【penal code】【constitutional law】【death duty】【copyright law】【minutes】【to abolish】【legal incapacity】【to infringe a law】【commercial law】【to carry a bill】【outside the law】【Conscript Law】【lawfulness】【to break a law】【code of mercantile law】【international law】【to contravene a law】等。
military lawn.军法;英英释义 military law n.the body of laws and rules of conduct administered by military courts for th...
详细解释rights of man释义人权;英英释义 Rights of ManRights of Man (1791), a book by Thomas Paine, including 31 articles, posits...
详细解释administrative lawn.行政法;英英释义 administrative law n.the body of rules and regulations and orders and decisions cre...
详细解释invalidationn.无效,失效;英英释义 invalidation[ in,vli'dein ]n.(law) a formal termination (of a relationship or a judic...
详细解释canon law释义教会法规;英英释义 canon law n.the body of codified laws governing the affairs of a Christian church同义词:...
详细解释legitimationn.合法化,认为嫡出;英英释义 legitimation[ li'ditimeit ]n.the act of rendering a person legitimate"he has fi...
详细解释codificationn.法典编纂,法律成文化;法规汇编;英英释义 codification[ ,kdifi'kein ]n.the act of codifying; arranging is a...
详细解释mercantile law释义商法;英英释义 mercantile law n.the body of rules applied to commercial transactions; derived from the...
详细解释death tax释义遗产税;英英释义 death tax n.a tax on the estate of the deceased person同义词:inheritance taxestate taxdea...
详细解释natural law释义自然法;天道;英英释义 natural law n.a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and esse...
详细解释right of asylum释义避难权;英英释义 Right of asylum[[Asylum seekers by country of origin.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释penal coden.刑法典; 变形 复数:penal codes 英英释义 penal code n.the legal code governing crimes and their punishment
详细解释constitutional law释义宪法;英英释义 Constitutional lawThe principles from the French [[Declaration of the Rights of Man...
详细解释death duty释义遗产税;英英释义 death duty n.a tax on the estate of the deceased person同义词:inheritance taxestate taxd...
详细解释minutesn.[法] 备忘录,会议记录,审判记录;分( minute的名词复数 );分钟;瞬间片刻;英英释义 minutes[ 'minits ]n.a written...
详细解释commercial law释义商法;英英释义 commercial law n.the body of rules applied to commercial transactions; derived from the...
详细解释outside the law释义超出法律范围的;英英释义 Outside the LawOutside the Law is a 1956 American crime drama film directed ...
详细解释international law释义国际法;英英释义 international law n.the body of laws governing relations between nations同义词:la...