共 16 个单词
外研社新标准高中英语第4册相关的的单词有【for a start】【on the way out】【spaceport】【cash crop】【get a kick out of】【mind reader】【say hello to】【make a deal】【keep cool】【handclap】【at the edge of】【trolleybus】【throw light on】【come straight to the point】【under construction】【come to power】等。
spaceportn.太空船发射降落场;英英释义 SpaceportSpaceport is a tourist attraction in Seacombe, Wallasey, Merseyside, Nort...
详细解释cash cropn.商品作物; 变形 复数:cash crops 英英释义 cash crop n.a readily salable crop that is grown and gathered for t...
详细解释mind readern.测心术者,能测人心思者;英英释义 mind reader n.someone with the power of communicating thoughts directly同义...
详细解释keep cool释义保持凉爽,保持不热;保持冷静;沉住气;泰然自若英英释义 Keep CoolThe box art for the board game以上来源于:Wi...
详细解释handclapn.鼓掌,拍手; 变形 复数:handclaps 英英释义 handclap[ 'hndklp ]n.a clap of the hands to indicate approval
详细解释trolleybus释义无轨电车;英英释义 trolleybus[ 'trlibs ]n.a passenger bus with an electric motor that draws power from ove...
详细解释under construction释义(正在)修建中;英英释义 Under ConstructionUnder Construction was the first of two box sets of the...