Separate estimation of adsorption and degradation of pharmaceutical substances and estrogens in the activated sludge processRegulation of a novel pathway for cell death by lysosomal aspartic and cysteine proteinases.
Retention of a wide variety of organic pollutants by different nanofiltration/reverse osmosis membranes: controlling parameters of p...
“Organic Stabilization and Nitrogen Removal in Membrane Separation Bioreactor for Domestic Wastewater Treatment”
Change in membrane performance due to organic fouling in nanofiltration (NF)/reverse osmosis (RO) applications
Caspase-9 processing by caspase-3 via a feedback amplification loop in vivo
Possible impact of treated wastewater discharge on incidence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in river water
Effect of pH on rejection of different species of arsenic by nanofiltration
Factors affecting removal of pharmaceutical substances and estrogens in membrane separation bioreactors
Six4, a Putative myogenin Gene Regulator, Is Not Essential for Mouse Embryonal Development