not so as词义




not so as用法




The work is not so difficult as you imagine.

Liz doesn't enjoy romps as much as other girls do.


Coagulase-negative staphylococci as cause of bovine mastitis- not so different from Staphylococcus aureus?

McLachlan RW, Yap AS.. Not so simple: the complexity of phosphotyrosine signaling at cadherin adhesive contacts. J Mol Med 85: 545-554

The Not-So-Dark Ages: Ecology for Human Growth in Medieval and Early Twentieth Century Portugal as Inferred From Skeletal Growth Pro...

Not So Plain as Black and White:Afro-German Culture and History, 1890-2000

Intracranial aneurysms in patients with carotid disease: not so rare as we think.

Alternative diagnosis other than pulmonary embolism as a subjective variable in the Wells clinical decision rule: not so bad after all

Coagulase-negative staphylococci as cause of bovine mastitis – not so different from ?

"I Am Not So Patriotic as I Was Once": The Effects of Military Occupation on the Occupying Union Soldiers during the Civil War

The not-so-sad history of Medicare cost containment as told in one chart.

Not So SILI: Sociology Information Literacy Infusion as the Focus of Faculty and Librarian Collaboration.