英式音标:[ˈmægpaɪ] 怎么读
美式音标:[ˈmæɡˌpaɪ] 怎么读
词汇归类 永恒沉睡SoporAeternus 美语美吧-分类单词书 跟伍嘉成一起背单词 Google大数据29万高频美语词汇表 CATTI二级词汇 柯林斯Cobuild词频--1星词汇-
单词细分 禽鸟
n. 鹊,喜鹊;饶舌的人;有收集零碎东西癖好的人
adj. 鹊的;有收集癖的;斑驳的,混杂的
magpie[ 'mæɡpai ]
long-tailed black-and-white crow that utters a raucous chattering call
someone who collects things that have been discarded by others
同义词:scavengerpack rat
an obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker
Now and then a magpie would call.
This young man is really a magpie.
No one wants to sit next to Miss Yates at the Sewing Meeting; she chatters like a magpie, all the time.
在缝纫联谊会上,谁也不想坐在耶茨小姐身边; 她整天喋喋不休。
A born magpie, Mandy collects any object that catches her eye.
General practitioners' perceptions of barriers to their provision of mental healthcare: a report on Mental Health and General Practi...Cost-effectiveness of prophylactic magnesium sulphate for 9996 women with pre-eclampsia from 33 countries: economic evaluation of th...
The treatment of common mental health problems in general practice
Fluorescent chloride indicators to assess the efficacy of CFTR cDNA delivery.
Do women with pre-eclampsia, and their babies, benefit from magnesium sulphate? The Magpie Trial: a randomised placebo-controlled tr...
Using magpie for request extraction and workload modelling
MagPIe:MPI's collective communication operations for clustered wide area systems
MagPIe: MPI's collective communication operations for clustered wide area systems
Host sexual selection and cuckoo parasitism: an analysis of nest size in sympatric and allopatric magpie Pica pica populations paras...
The Magpie Trial: a randomised trial comparing magnesium sulphate with placebo for pre‐eclampsia. Outcome for children at 18 months
magpie: [17] The original name of the magpie was simply pie, which came via Old French from Latin pīca. This is thought to go back ultimately to Indo-European *spi- or *pi-, denoting ‘pointedness’, in reference to its beak (the Latin masculine form, pīcus, was applied to a ‘woodpecker’). Pie arrived in English as long ago as the 13th century, but not until the 16th century do we begin to find pet-forms of the name Margaret applied to it (one of the earliest was maggot-pie).By the 17th century magpie had become the institutionalized form. Some etymologists consider that the term for the edible pie comes from the bird’s name, based on a comparison of the miscellaneous contents of pies with the board of assorted stolen treasures supposedly accumulated by the magpie.=> pie
magpie (n.)
the common European bird, known for its chattering, c. 1600, earlier simply pie (early 13c.); first element from Mag, nickname for Margaret, long used in proverbial and slang English for qualities associated generally with women, especially in this case "idle chattering" (as in Magge tales "tall tales, nonsense," early 15c.; also compare French margot "magpie," from Margot, pet form of Marguerite). Second element, pie, is the earlier name of the bird, from Old French pie, from Latin pica "magpie," fem. of picus "woodpecker," from PIE root *(s)peik- "woodpecker, magpie" (cognates: Umbrian peica "magpie," Sanskrit pikah "Indian cuckoo," Old Norse spætr, German Specht "woodpecker"); possibly from PIE root *pi-, denoting pointedness, of the beak, perhaps, but the magpie also has a long, pointed tail. The birds are proverbial for pilfering and hoarding, can be taught to speak, and have been regarded since the Middle Ages as ill omens.
Whan pyes chatter vpon a house it is a sygne of ryghte euyll tydynges. [1507]
Divination by number of magpies is attested from c. 1780 in Lincolnshire; the rhyme varies from place to place, the only consistency being that one is bad, two are good.magpie造句
1. This hole is very deep.
-- 来源 -- 大胡子伯伯英语高级版 第2册 - 为什么画眉是黑色的(4)
2. There is a magpie on the tree.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句
3. A magpie chatters.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
4. Crow and magpie flocking together
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 习语
5. Now and then a magpie would call.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]
6. Now and than a magpie would call.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
7. Good afternoon, magpie.
-- 来源 -- 大胡子伯伯英语高级版 第2册 - 为什么画眉是黑色的(3)
8. crow; raven; rook; jackdaw; chough; magpie; jay.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考
9. Any of various birds resembling the magpie, such as the Australian bell magpie of the family Cracticidae
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考
10. This young man is really a magpie.
-- 来源 -- 轻轻松松背单词-蒋刚