CDC group
CDC group词义
CDC Group
CDC Group plc (formerly the Commonwealth Development Corporation, and previous to that, the Colonial Development Corporation) is a Development Finance Institution owned by the UK Government. The Department for International Development is responsible for CDC, with shareholder duties managed by the Shareholder Executive.
CDC group用法
CDC group HB-5 as a cause of genitourinary infections in adults.CDC group HB-5: A newly recognized genitourinary pathogen in adults
Characterization of CDC group DF-3 by cellular fatty acid analysis
Characteristics of CDC group 1 and group 1-like coryneform bacteria isolated from clinical specimens.
Serious infections involving the CDC group Ve bacteria Chryseomonas luteola and Flavimonas oryzihabitans.
Characteristics of CDC group 3 and group 5 coryneform bacteria isolated from clinical specimens and assignment to the genus Dermabac...
Assignment of human-derived CDC group 1 coryneform bacteria and CDC group 1-like coryneform bacteria to the genus Actinomyces as Act...
Postoperative infant septicemia caused by Pseudomonas luteola (CDC group Ve-1) and Pseudomonas oryzihabitans (CDC group Ve-2).
Ribosomal Ribonucleic Acid Cistron Similarities and Taxonomic Neighborhood of Brucella and CDC Group Vd
Capnocytophaga canimorsus sp. nov. (formerly CDC group DF-2), a cause of septicemia following dog bite, and C. cynodegmi sp. nov., a...