英式音标:[tæbjʊ'li:] 怎么读
美式音标:[tæbjʊ'li] 怎么读
[医][骨]板; 横隔(腔肠动物); 横板(古生物);
RESISTING MONOLITHS AND TABULAE RASAEAddenda tertia. 1: Textus, 2: Tabulae
The Vindolanda Writing-Tablets ( Tabulae Vindolandenses IV, Part 1)
Use of Jumbo Cups for Revision of Acetabulae With Large Bony Defects
Study of the rate of stem sap flow in Pinus tabulae formis and Quercus variabilis by using the TDP method
Spatial distribution pattern of main tree species in Pinus tabulae formis forest of Heilihe in Inner-Mongolia.
Response of Tree-Ring Width of Pinus tabulaeformis to Climate Factors in Luoshan Mountains of Ningxia宁夏罗山油松(Pinus tabulaeformi...
Ostryopsis davidiana seedlings inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi facilitate formation of mycorrhizae on Pinus tabulaeformis se...
Responses of decomposition rate, nutrient return, and composition of leaf litter to thinning intensities in a Pinus tabulaeformis pl...
Effect of patch size and isolation on mating patterns and seed production in an urban population of Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformi...