chromaffin cell

英式音标[krəˈmæfin sel] 怎么读

美式音标[ˈkroməfɪn sɛl] 怎么读

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chromaffin cell用法



This pheochromocytoma demonstrates the chromaffin reaction.


Sodium and calcium channels in bovine chromaffin cells.

Calcium gradients and buffers in bovine chromaffin cells.

Calcium requirements for secretion in bovine chromaffin cells

A patch-clamp study of bovine chromaffin cells and of their sensitivity to acetylcholine

Ca-dependent K channels with large unitary conductance in chromaffin cell membranes.

Temporally resolved catecholamine spikes correspond to single vesicle release from individual chromaffin cells

Targeted disruption of the glucocorticoid receptor gene blocks adrenergic chromaffin cell development and severely retards lung matu...

Delay in vesicle fusion revealed by electrochemical monitoring of single secretory events in adrenal chromaffin cells

Cytosolic Ca 2+ Acts by Two Separate Pathways to Modulate the Supply of Release-Competent Vesicles in Chromaffin Cells

Discrete Changes of Cell Membrane Capacitance Observed under Conditions of Enhanced Secretion in Bovine Adrenal Chromaffin Cells