adhesion stress
adhesion stress词义
adhesion stress用法
On adhesion and stress in organic coatingsExperimental determination of thermal and adhesion stress in particle filled thermoplasts
Evaluation of adhesion strength of Ti films on Si(100) by the internal stress method
The adhesion strength and residual stress of colloidal-sol gel derived β-Tricalcium-Phosphate/Fluoridated-Hydroxyapatite biphasic c...
Formation of focal adhesion-stress fibre complexes coordinated by adhesive and non-adhesive surface domains.
Influence of stress distribution on adhesion strength of sputtered hard coatings
Influence of residual stress gradients on the adhesion strength of sputtered hard coatings
Calculation of stress concentration caused by a coated particle in polymer matrix to determine adhesion strength at the interface
SERCA2 dysfunction in Darier disease causes endoplasmic reticulum stress and impaired cell-to-cell adhesion strength: rescue by Migl...
Non-channel mechanosensors working at focal adhesion-stress fiber complex.