marriage of convenience
marriage of convenience词义
marriage of convenience
n.a marriage for expediency rather than love
marriage of convenience用法
Marriage of convenience?Marriage of Convenience
Marriage of convenience
Pine monoterpenes and pine bark beetles: a marriage of convenience for defense and chemical communication
Marketing Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Marriage of Convenience or Shotgun Wedding?
Immortalized human brain endothelial cells and flow-based vascular modeling: a marriage of convenience for rational neurovascular st...
A marriage of convenience: beta-subunits and voltage-dependent K+ channels.
MAP kinase cascade signaling and endocytic trafficking: a marriage of convenience?
Dyschezia and rectocele-A marriage of convenience?: Physiologic evaluation of the rectocele in a group of 52 women complaining of di...
A tutorial review: Metabolomics and partial least squares-discriminant analysis – a marriage of convenience or a shotgun wedding
Dyschezia and rectocele—A marriage of convenience?
Normative and Empirical Business Ethics: Separation, Marriage of Convenience, or Marriage of Necessity?
A Marriage of Convenience: Combining the Power of Isocyanide‐Based Multicomponent Reactions with the Versatility of (Hetero)norborn...