power input
英式音标:[ˈpauə ˈinput] 怎么读
美式音标:[ˈpaʊɚ ˈɪnˌpʊt] 怎么读
power input词义
power input用法
Power Input During Flight of the Fish Crow, Corvus OssifragusA novel low-power input-independent MOS AC/DC charge pump
A novel low-power input-independent MOS AC/DC charge pump
Flight energetics of sphinx moths: power input during hovering flight
An update on the wind power input to the surface geostrophic flow of the World Ocean
Radio frequency sputtering—the significance of power input
Electronic identification system with power input-output interlock and increased capabilities
Energy and Communication in Three Species of Hylid Frogs: Power Input, Power Output and Efficiency
Expansion of mammalian neural stem cells in bioreactors: effect of power input and medium viscosity
Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure as a Tool to Deposit Versatile Organic Coatings at Moderate Power Input