geomagnetic field
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geomagnetic field词义
geomagnetic field用法
The geomagnetic field varies continuously.
Coils of wire will produce electricity while moving in the earth's magnetic field.
Deformation of the geomagnetic field by the solar windON THE MOTION OF CHARGED PARTICLES IN THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD
Marine magnetic anomalies, geomagnetic field reversals, and motions of the ocean floor and continents
Sedimentary records of relative paleointensity of the geomagnetic field: Theory and practice
A three-dimensional self-consistent computer simulation of a geomagnetic field reversal
Global quantitative models of the geomagnetic field in the cislunar magnetosphere for different disturbance levels
Asymmetrical saw-tooth pattern of the geomagnetic field intensity from equatorial sediments in the Pacific and Indian Oceans
Correction to “Apparent and true polar wander and the geometry of the geomagnetic field over the last 200 Myr”
A Simplified Statistical Model for the Geomagnetic Field and the Detection of Shallow Bias in Paleomagnetic Inclinations: was the An...
Erratum: "Global quantitative models of the geomagnetic field in the cislunar magnetosphere for different disturbance levels"[Plane...