共 11 条近义词
无独有偶虽然罕见但不只独个,还有可以配对的(多含贬义)英it is not unique; do not come singly,but in pairs;[查看详情]
多如牛毛牛身上的毛多得谁也数不清。比喻极多。例比年以来新颁法规,多如牛毛。——清梁启超《论资政院之天职》少校、上校,多如牛毛。英as thick as June blackerries; more than combinations to a Rubic cube;[查看详情]
层出不穷一次又一次地出现没有穷尽。例新生事物层出不穷。英emerge one after another appear frequently; be too numerous to be counted;[查看详情]
习以为常常做某事逐渐成了习惯。例三十余年习以为常,朕待此花,可谓深仁厚泽。——清李汝珍《镜花缘》英be accustomed to sth.;[查看详情]
不足为奇不值得惊奇。英be no wonder that; be not at all suprised;[查看详情]
司空见惯相传唐代司空李绅请卸任的和州刺史刘禹锡喝酒席间刘禹锡作诗,有“司空见惯浑闲事,断尽江南刺史肠”的句子。后来用“司空见惯”表示看惯了就不觉得奇怪。英common; be a common occurrence;[查看详情]
见怪不怪遇到怪异的现象或事物沉着镇静不受惊扰。英face the fearful with no fears; become inured to the mysterious;[查看详情]
家常便饭接待客人未作准备的普通膳食或一顿饭。英potluck; ordinary meal; simple fare; homely food;比喻经常发生司空见惯的事。例笑在眉头歌在喉头,盛会好景差不多是家常便饭。——叶圣陶《微波》英daily diet; all in a day's work; bread and cheese; common occurence;[查看详情]
熟视无睹常看到却跟没有看见一样指对某一事物漠不关心。例商品这个东西千百人,天天看它用它,但是熟视无睹。——《什么是知识》英turn a blind eye; pay no attention to a familiar sight; be ignorant of;[查看详情]