共 9 条近义词
山南海北指遥远的地方。例山南海北到处都有勘探队员的足迹。英all over the land; far and wide as south of the mountains and norths of the seas;比喻说话乱扯一气没有个中心。例两人山南海北谈了半天。英talk about this and that;[查看详情]
信口开河随意乱说。例刘姥姥是信口开河。——《红楼梦》英shooting off one’s yap; lie in one's teeth; talk at random;[查看详情]
天涯海角天的边界海的角落,指极远的地方。亦形容彼此相隔极远。英the uttermost parts of the earth; the farthermost points of the earth;[查看详情]
南辕北辙与事实相反背道而驰。例使南辕北辙,无苦征途。——《福惠全书》英try to go south by driving the chariot north-act in a way that defeats one's purpose;截然相反。英poles apart,poles asunder;[查看详情]
天各一方通常指家庭或朋友分住在各处。英live far apart from each other;[查看详情]
海阔天空像大海那样广阔如蓝天那样空旷。形容开阔无拘无束。例天下那里有但辨方向不论远近向海阔天空的地方,乱开炮的道理?——《官场现形记》英as boundless as the sea and sky; unrestrained ard far-ranging;亦比喻言淡漫无边际。例发了些海阔天空的议论。——《文明小史[查看详情]