
共 10 条近义词

  • 腻烦

    nì fán

    腻烦因次数过多而感到厌烦。例老哼这首小曲儿你不觉得腻烦吗?英be bored; be fed up;厌恶。例我真腻烦他。英loathe;[查看详情]

  • 厌烦

    yàn fán

    厌烦厌恶;腻烦。例他厌烦她耍小聪明。英be bored with; be sick of; be fed up with;[查看详情]

  • 反胃

    făn wèi

    反胃病症名。指食下良久复出或隔宿吐出者。亦称“胃反”、“翻胃”英gastric disorder causing nausea (of food from stomach);[查看详情]

  • 憎恶

    zēng wù


  • 嫌恶

    xián wù

    嫌恶极度反感或厌恶。英abhor; abominate; detest; dislike; hate; loathe; revulsion;[查看详情]

  • 可恶

    kě wù

    可恶令人厌恶恼恨。例可恶之极。英abhorrent; abominable; detestable; loathsome; odious;[查看详情]

  • 憎恨

    zēng hèn


  • 厌恨

    yàn hèn

    厌恨讨厌、憎恨。例他厌恨那种势利小人。英detest and hate bitterly;[查看详情]

  • 反感

    făn găn

    反感不满或反对的情绪。例这男性的目光,使她反感。英be averse to; repugnant; dislike; be disgusted with; fell a violent repugnance to; feel unkindly to;[查看详情]

  • 讨厌

    tăo yàn

    讨厌厌恶。例他讨厌蛇。英loathe; be disgusted with;令人烦恼;惹人心烦。例讨厌的天气。英disagreeable; disgusting; repugnant;事情难办。例这是一种讨厌的病。英be hard to handle; troublesome;[查看详情]