共 23 个单词
cancelingn. [计] 取消;消除v. [计] 取消;废除(cancel的ing形式) 英英释义 canceln.a notation cancelling a previous sharp...
详细解释voidancen.放出;放空;空出;出清英英释义 voidance[ 'vidns ]n.the act of removing the contents of something同义词:emptyi...
详细解释pullbackn.撤退,拉回,障碍物;英英释义 pullback[ 'pulbk ]n.a device (as a decorative loop of cord or fabric) for holding...
详细解释abrogationn.取消,废除;英英释义 abrogation[ ,bru'ein ]n.the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation同义词:...
详细解释fallbackn.可依靠的东西,退却;回降物;英英释义 fallbackn.to break off a military action with an enemy同义词:disengageme...
详细解释nullificationn.无效;废弃;取消;使无价值英英释义 nullification[ ,nlifi'kein ]n.the states'-rights doctrine that a state...
详细解释reclamationn.开垦;开拓;改造;废物回收利用英英释义 reclamation[ ,rekl'mein ]n.the conversion of wasteland into land sui...
详细解释evictionn.逐出,赶出;(租地,租房等的)收回; 变形 复数:evictions 英英释义 eviction[ i'vikn ]n.action by a landlord th...
详细解释revocationn.废止,撤回;英英释义 revocation[ ,rev'kein, ri,vu-, ,ri:- ]n.the state of being cancelled or annulled同义词:...
详细解释rescissionn.废除;英英释义 rescission[ ri'sin ]n.(law) the act of rescinding; the cancellation of a contract and the ret...
详细解释annulmentn.废除,取消,(法院对婚姻等)判决无效; 变形 复数:annulments 英英释义 annulment[ 'nlmnt ]n.the state of being...
详细解释retractionn.收回;缩回;缩入; 变形 复数:retractions 英英释义 retraction[ ri'trkn ]n.a disavowal or taking back of a pr...
详细解释abolishmentn.废止,革除,取消;英英释义 abolishment[ 'blimnt ]n.the act of abolishing a system or practice or institutio...
详细解释countermandvt.取消(命令),撤回; 变形 过去式:countermanded过去分词:countermanded现在分词:countermanding第三人称单数...
详细解释cancellationn.取消;(相)约;被取消的事物;作废 变形 复数:cancellations 英英释义 cancellation[ 'kns'lein ]n.the act of...