共 40 个单词
adequatelyadv.足够地;适当地;英英释义 adequately[ 'dikwitli ]adv.in an adequate mannerin an adequate manner or to an ad...
详细解释becominglyadv.合适地,适当地;英英释义 becomingly[ bi'kmili ]adv.in a becoming manner"she was becomingly dressed"
详细解释befittinglyadv.适当地,适宜地;英英释义 befittingly[ bi'fitili ]adv.in an appropriate manner同义词:appropriatelysuitabl...
详细解释maturelyadv.成熟地,充分地;英英释义 maturely[ m'tjuli ]adv.in a mature manner"she acts very maturely for her age"
详细解释condignadj.严厉而适当的,罪有应得的;英英释义 condign[ kn'dain ]adj.fitting or appropriate and deserved; used especially...
详细解释headspringn.源泉,起源;英英释义 headspring[ 'hedspri ]n.the source of water from which a stream arises同义词:fountainh...
详细解释conservativelyadv.保存地;保守地;谨慎地;英英释义 conservatively[ kn's:vtivli ]adv.in a conservative manner"we estimate...
详细解释fitlyadv.适当地,恰好地,整齐地;英英释义 fitly[ 'fitli ]adv.in an appropriate manner同义词:appropriatelysuitablyfittin...
详细解释opportunelyadv.恰好地,适时地;英英释义 opportunely[ p'tju:nli ]adv.at an opportune time"he arrived rather opportunely j...
详细解释weeladj.健康的,良好的,适当的;adv.好;满意地;充分地;彻底地英英释义 WeelWeel is a hamlet in the East Riding of Yorksh...
详细解释proportionally释义按比例地,相配合地,适当地;英英释义 proportionally[ pru'p:nli ]adv.to a proportionate degree同义词:p...
详细解释upstandingadj.直立的;挺拔的;强健的;诚实的n.直立,诚实,正直;英英释义 upstanding[ p'stndi ]adj.morally admirable同义词...
详细解释fountn.泉,墨水缸,(灯的)储油器; 变形 复数:founts 英英释义 fount[ faunt ]n.a specific size and style of type within ...
详细解释suitablyadv.适当地,适宜地;相配地;合适地;英英释义 suitably[ 'su:tbli ]adv.in an appropriate manner同义词:appropriate...
详细解释healthfuladj.有益于健康的;英英释义 healthful[ 'helful ]adj.conducive to good health of body or mind"a healthful climate...
详细解释aproposadj.恰当的;关于,就…而言;adv.恰当地;顺便地;英英释义 aproposadj.of an appropriate or pertinent natureadv.by t...
详细解释aptlyadv.适当地,适切地,巧妙地;英英释义 aptly[ 'ptli ]adv.in a competent capable manner同义词:competentlyablycapablyw...
详细解释marvellouslyadv.绝妙地,惊奇地,不可思议地;英英释义 marvellously[ 'ma:vlsli ]adv.(used as an intensifier) extremely wel...
详细解释dulyadv.及时,按时;适当地;充分地;英英释义 duly[ dju:li, 'du:li ]adv.at the proper time"she was duly apprised of the r...
详细解释modestlyadv.谦虚地,审慎地;适度地;英英释义 modestly[ 英[mdst] 美[mdst] ]adv.in a modest manner"the dissertation was en...
详细解释appropriatelyadv.适当地;英英释义 appropriatelyadv.in an appropriate manner"he was appropriately dressed"同义词:suitabl...
详细解释genialadj.和蔼的,亲切的;温暖的,温和的;宜人的;显示天才的英英释义 genial[ 'di:njl ]adj.diffusing warmth and friendlin...
详细解释fullyadv.充分地;完全地;足足;彻底地英英释义 fully[ 'fuli ]adv.to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely...
详细解释fountainn.人工喷泉;喷水池;喷射;源泉 双语释义n.(名词)[C]喷水,喷泉 jet of water, especially one forced up into the air ...
详细解释sufficientlyadv.足够地,充分地;十分,相当;英英释义 sufficiently[ s'fintli ]adv.to a sufficient degree"she was sufficie...
详细解释substantiallyadv.本质上,实质上;大体上;充分地;相当多地英英释义 substantially[ sb'stnli ]adv.to a great extent or degr...
详细解释principlen.原则,原理;准则,道义;道德标准;本能 变形 复数:principles 双语释义n.(名词)[C]原则,原理 basic general truth...
详细解释healthyadj.健康的;健全的;大量的;有益于健康的 双语释义adj.(形容词)健康的,健壮的 physically strong and not often ill; u...
详细解释properlyadv.适当地;恰当地;正确地;完全,非常英英释义 properly[ 'prpli ]adv.in the right manner"please do your job prop...
详细解释favorableadj.赞同的;称赞的;有利的;讨人喜欢的英英释义 favorable[ 'feivrbl ]adj.encouraging or approving or pleasing"a ...