共 25 个单词
wear同义的单词有【accouterment】【costuming】【loos】【grind down】【ullage】【habiliment】【permanency】【be dressed in】【accoutrement】【wastage】【have on】【durability】【garb】【frazzle】【apparel】【pull on】【dissipation】【rig】【clothing】【depletion】【costume】【waste】【attire】【accoutrements】【garment】等。
accoutermentn.穿着,配备,饰物;英英释义 accouterment[ 'ku:tmnt ]n.clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of you...
详细解释grind down释义用磨等磨碎;用牙嚼碎;压迫;折磨英英释义 grind down v.rule a country as a tyrant同义词:tyrannizetyrannise
详细解释ullagen.不足量,损耗;罐空;漏损;途耗英英释义 ullage[ 'lid ]n.the amount that a container (as a wine bottle or tank) la...
详细解释habilimentn.服装,装饰,制服; 变形 复数:habiliments 英英释义 habiliment[ h'bilimnt ]n.a covering designed to be worn o...
详细解释permanencyn.恒久的人[物、地位],永存; 变形 复数:permanencies 英英释义 permanency[ 'p:mnnsi ]n.the property of being ab...
详细解释accoutrementn.穿着,配备; 变形 复数:accoutrements 英英释义 accoutrement[ 'ku:tmnt ]n.clothing that is worn or carried,...
详细解释wastagen.消耗;废物;浪费(量);(冰、雪的)消融英英释义 wastage[ 'weistid ]n.the process of wastinganything lost by we...
详细解释durabilityn.耐久性;持久性;英英释义 durability[ ,djur'bilti ]n.permanence by virtue of the power to resist stress or fo...
详细解释dissipationn.(物质、感觉或精力逐渐的)消失;浪费;放荡;花天酒地英英释义 dissipation[ disi'pein ]n.breaking up and scat...
详细解释depletionn.消耗,用尽;耗减;英英释义 depletion[ di'pli:n ]n.the act of decreasing something markedlythe state of being ...
详细解释accoutrementsn.设备;(个人的全套)衣服;(个人佩带的)饰品;常规穿着,配备( accoutrement的名词复数 );英英释义 accoutre...