共 21 个单词
superior同义的单词有【self-important】【toplofty】【praetor】【praefect】【pre-eminent】【bonzer】【pretor】【prideful】【ephor】【orgulous】【overmatch】【prefect】【top dog】【goodly】【way up】【surpassing】【lordly】【first-class】【thoroughbred】【ranking】【lofty】等。
self-importantadj.高傲的,妄自尊大的;英英释义 self-important[ 'selfim'p:tnt ]adj.having or showing feelings of unwarran...
详细解释praetorn.执政官,长官;英英释义 praetor[ 'pri:t ] annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic同义词:p...
详细解释pre-eminentadj.卓越的;优秀的;杰出的;显著的英英释义 pre-eminentadj.greatest in importance or degree or significance or...
详细解释pretorn.执政官,长官;英英释义 pretor[ 'pri:t, -t: ] annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic同义词...
详细解释pridefuladj.自傲的,高傲的;英英释义 prideful[ 'praidful ]adj.having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of t...
详细解释ephorn.长官,监督官; 变形 复数:ephorsephori 英英释义 EphorThe ephors (Greek ) (from the Greek epi, "on"or "over", and ...
详细解释prefectn.地方行政长官;警察局长;教务长,院长; 变形 复数:prefects 英英释义 prefect[ 'pri:fekt ]n.a chief officer or ch...
详细解释top dogn.胜利者,夺魁者,主要人物; 变形 复数:top dogs 英英释义 top dog n.a person who is in charge同义词:headchief
详细解释goodlyadj.优秀的,优美的;英英释义 goodly[ 'udli ]adj.large in amount or extent or degree"a goodly amount"同义词:goodis...
详细解释lordlyadj.傲慢的;高傲的;宏伟的;堂皇的英英释义 lordly[ 'l:dli ]adj.of or befitting a lord"heir to a lordly fortune"同义...
详细解释first-classadj.最好的;第一流的;优秀的;adv.最好地;第一流地;优秀地;英英释义 first-class[ 'f:st'kl:s ]n.the highest r...