共 30 个单词
changelessadj.不变的,稳定的;至死不变;一成不变;英英释义 changeless[ 'teindlis ]adj.not subject or susceptible to chan...
详细解释stabilizedv.(使)稳定, (使)稳固( stabilize的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 stabilizedadj.made stable or firm同义词:st...
详细解释stabilen.固定的雕刻物;adj.稳定的,固着的;英英释义 stabile[ 'steibail, -bil, 'steibi:l ]n.a sculpture having fixed unit...
详细解释coolheadedadj.头脑冷静的;英英释义 coolheaded[ 'ku:l'hedid ]adj.marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circum...
详细解释cool-headedadj.头脑冷静的;不慌不忙;英英释义 cool-headed[ 'ku:l'hedid ]adj.marked by calm self-control (especially in t...
详细解释equablyadv.稳定地;英英释义 equably[ 'ekwbli ] an equable manner"he is an equably cheerful fellow"
详细解释inalterableadj.不能变更的,不变的;英英释义 inalterable[ in':ltrbl ]adj.not capable of being changed or altered同义词:u...
详细解释unfalteringadj.稳步的,坚决的,专心的;英英释义 unfaltering[ n'f:ltri ]adj.marked by firm determination or resolution; n...
详细解释reposefuladj.平稳的,沉着的;英英释义 reposeful[ ri'puzful ]adj.affording or marked by rest or repose"a cool and reposef...
详细解释unalteredadj.未改变的,未被改变的;(动物)未阉割的;英英释义 unaltered[ ,n':ltd ]adj.remaining in an original state"per...
详细解释invariantadj.无变化的,不变的;n.不变式,不变量;英英释义 invariant[ in'vrint ]n.a feature (quantity or property or func...
详细解释unchangingadj.不变的,恒常的;英英释义 unchanging[ n'teindi ]adj.not active or moving同义词:staticconforming to the sam...
详细解释unvaryingadj.不变的,经常的,恒久的;英英释义 unvarying[ n'vrii ]adj.persistent in occurrence and unvarying in nature"pr...
详细解释settledadj.不变的,稳定的;固定的;妥;停当英英释义 settled[ 'setld ]adj.established or decided beyond dispute or doubt"...
详细解释unchangeableadj.不可改变的;不可移易;英英释义 unchangeable[ n'teindbl ]adj.not changeable or subject to change"a fixed ...
详细解释immobileadj.固定的;不变的;稳定的;英英释义 immobile[ i'mubail, -bi:l ]adj.not capable of movement or of being movedsec...
详细解释staidadj.古板的,保守的,一本正经的;adv.一本正经地;英英释义 staidadj.characterized by dignity and propriety同义词:sed...
详细解释immutableadj.不可改变的;英英释义 immutable[ i'mju:tbl ]adj.not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or...
详细解释tranquiladj.安静的;平静的;宁静的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)安静的;平静的;宁静的quiet;calm 英英释义 tranquil[ 'trkwil, 't...
详细解释invariableadj.恒定的,不变的,始终如一的;n.恒定;不变;始终如一; 变形 复数:invariables 英英释义 invariable[ in'vribl ...
详细解释firmlyadv.坚固地;稳固地;坚定地;坚决地英英释义 firmly[ 'f:mli ]adv.with resolute determination"we firmly believed it"同...