共 96 个单词
sapheadn.笨蛋,蠢材;英英释义 saphead[ 'sphed ]n.a person who lacks good judgment同义词:foolsapmugginstomfool
详细解释schnorrern.笨蛋;英英释义 schnorrer[ 'n:r ]n.(Yiddish) a scrounger who takes advantage of the generosity of others同义词...
详细解释shitheadn.笨蛋;英英释义 shithead[ 'ithed ]n.these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligence同义...
详细解释half-witn.愚蠢低能的人,笨蛋,傻瓜; 变形 复数:half-wits 英英释义 half-wit[ 'h:fwit ]n.a person of subnormal intelligen...
详细解释birdbathn.置于庭院,供小鸟戏水或饮水的盆形装饰物; 变形 复数:birdbaths 英英释义 birdbath[ 'b:db: ] ornamental basin...
详细解释birdbrainn.愚蠢,轻佻的人;英英释义 birdbrain[ 'b:dbrein ]n.a person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought同...
详细解释dewy-eyedadj.天真的,容易相信的;英英释义 dewy-eyed[ 'dju:iaid ]adj.exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity"dewy-e...
详细解释naifadj.像孩子的,天真的;英英释义 naif[ na:'i:f ]n.a naive or inexperienced personadj.marked by or showing unaffected s...
详细解释aperyn.装模作样, (拙劣)模仿; 变形 复数:aperies 英英释义 apery[ 'eipri ]n.the act of mimicking; imitative behavior同...
详细解释momen.傻瓜,笨蛋;英英释义 MomeMome was a quarterly full-color comics anthology edited by Eric Reynolds (comics), and pu...
详细解释jugheadn.笨蛋,傻瓜;野马;英英释义 Jughead"Jughead"is the third television episode of the fifth season of ABC's Lost. T...
详细解释dweebn.呆子,怪人; 变形 复数:dweebs 英英释义 dweeb[ dwi:b ] insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affect...
详细解释putzn.笨蛋,傻瓜; 阴茎;英英释义 putz[ puts, pts ]n.(Yiddish) a fool; an idiotobscene terms for penis同义词:cockprickd...
详细解释numbskulln.笨蛋,傻瓜;英英释义 NumbskullNumbskull was released by Ash on 26 April 1999 as a limited edition, individual...