共 35 个单词
hammerblown.锤打,撞击,类似的冲击 打击;英英释义 HammerblowA hammerblow is a martial arts attack made with both hands i...
详细解释blowsyadj.红脸的,蓬乱的,不整洁的;英英释义 blowsy[ 'blauzi ]adj.characteristic of or befitting a slut or slattern; use...
详细解释blowzyadj.红脸的,蓬乱的,不整洁的;英英释义 blowzy[ 'blauzi ]adj.characteristic of or befitting a slut or slattern; use...
详细解释counteringvt.反击,还击(counter的现在分词形式); 双语释义n.(名词)[C]柜台,柜台式长桌 a narrow table or flat surface at ...
详细解释joltingn.震动,震击;v.(使)摇动, (使)震惊( jolt的现在分词 );英英释义 jolting[ 'dulti ]adj.causing or characterized...
详细解释uncombedadj.(头发)未梳理的,蓬乱的;英英释义 uncombed[ 'n'kumd ]adj.(of hair) not combed"he was unwashed and uncombed ...
详细解释dishevelledadj.散乱的,蓬乱的;乱蓬蓬;披头散发;英英释义 dishevelled[ di'evld ] disarray; extremely disorderly同义...
详细解释crushern.压碎的东西,镇服人的事实,打击; 变形 复数:crushers 英英释义 crusher[ 'kr ]n.a device that crushes something
详细解释pulsationn.脉搏,悸动,脉动;搏动性;英英释义 pulsation[ pl'sein ]n.(electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal e...
详细解释jarringadj.刺耳的,不和谐的,辗轧的;n.震动,冲突,辗轧声;英英释义 jarring[ 'd:ri ]adj.making or causing a harsh and ir...
详细解释jouncev.& n.颠簸; 变形 过去式:jounced过去分词:jounced现在分词:jouncing第三人称单数:jounces 英英释义 jounce[ dauns ]...
详细解释scandalizevt.使震惊;使…愤慨;诽谤;使…受耻辱 变形 过去式:scandalized过去分词:scandalized现在分词:scandalizing第三人...
详细解释unkemptadj.(头发)蓬乱的,未加梳理的;(言语等)粗野的;邋遢;披头散发英英释义 unkempt[ ,n'kempt ]adj.not neatly combed...
详细解释convulsionn.[医]抽搐;大笑;震动;动乱 变形 复数:convulsions 英英释义 convulsion[ kn'vln ]n.a sudden uncontrollable att...
详细解释bushyadj.(毛发或毛皮)浓密的;(植物)茂密的;灌木似的;英英释义 bushy[ 'bui ]adj.used of hair; thick and poorly groome...
详细解释shookv.摇撼( shake的过去式 );(使)颤抖;握手;动摇英英释义 shook[ uk ]n.a disassembled barrel; the parts packed for st...
详细解释astoundvt.使震惊,使大吃一惊; 变形 过去式:astounded过去分词:astounded现在分词:astounding第三人称单数:astounds 英英释...