共 20 个单词
prayer同义的单词有【paternoster】【bene】【angelus】【imploration】【obsecration】【conjuration】【requiescat】【appealingness】【suppliance】【rogation】【orison】【solicitation】【invocation】【pleading】【entreaty】【supplication】【plea for】【blessing】【suit】【plea】等。
paternostern.主祷文,咒文;排钩钓鱼;英英释义 paternoster[ 'pt'nst ]n.(Roman Catholic Church) the Lord's Prayer in Latin...
详细解释angelusn.祈祷,祈祷钟;英英释义 angelus[ 'ndils ]n.the sound of a bell rung in Roman Catholic churches to announce the t...
详细解释conjurationn.祈祷,咒语,魔法;英英释义 conjuration[ ,kndu'rein ]n.a ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to ha...
详细解释requiescatn.愿死者灵魂安息的祈祷;英英释义 requiescat[ ,rekwi'eskt ]n.a prayer for the repose of the soul of a dead pers...
详细解释appealingnessn.有感染力;吸引人;有趣;哀诉似英英释义 appealingness[ 'pi:linis ]n.attractiveness that interests or pleas...
详细解释rogationn.祈祷,祷告;英英释义 rogation[ ru'ein ]n.a solemn supplication ceremony prescribed by the church
详细解释solicitationn.诱惑;揽货;恳切地要求;游说 变形 复数:solicitations 英英释义 solicitation[ s,lisi'tein ] entreaty ad...
详细解释invocationn.祈祷;乞求;乞灵;乞求神助 变形 复数:invocations 英英释义 invocationn.a prayer asking God's help as part of...
详细解释entreatyn.恳求,乞求; 变形 复数:entreaties 英英释义 entreaty[ in'tri:ti ]n.earnest or urgent request"an entreaty to st...
详细解释supplicationn.恳求,祈愿,哀求; 变形 复数:supplications 英英释义 supplication[ ,spli'kein ]n.a prayer asking God's hel...