共 33 个单词
pint-sizedadj.小型的,比标准的要小一些的;英英释义 pint-sizedadj.well below average height同义词:pint-sizeruntysawed-of...
详细解释containern.容器;箱,匣;集装箱,货柜; 变形 复数:containers 双语释义n.(名词)[C]容器 a box, barrel, bottle, or any othe...
详细解释containersn.容器( container的名词复数 );集装箱,货柜;英英释义 container[ kn'teins ]n.any object that can be used to ho...
详细解释dineron.钱;英英释义 dinero[ di:'neiru ]n.informal terms for money同义词:boodlebreadcabbageclamsdoughgeltkalelettucelol...
详细解释dingbatn.容易投掷的东西;主意;办法;钱英英释义 dingbat[ 'dibt ]n.a silly empty-headed person"you would be a dingbat eve...
详细解释cushn.钱;英英释义 CushCush (also Kush, Biblical ) was, according to the Bible, the eldest son of Ham, brother of Mizrai...
详细解释kailn.甘蓝类蔬菜(汤),钱;无头甘蓝;英英释义 kail[ keil ]n.a hardy cabbage with coarse curly leaves that do not form a...
详细解释lollyn.棒糖,冰棍儿;钱; 变形 复数:lollies 英英释义 lolly[ 'lli ]n.informal terms for money同义词:boodlebreadcabbagec...
详细解释rhinon.犀牛(=rhinoceros);钱,现金; 变形 复数:rhinos 英英释义 rhino[ 'rainu ]n.massive powerful herbivorous odd-toed u...
详细解释senn.钱(日本铜币,等于1/100日元); 变形 复数:sen 英英释义 sen[ sen ]n.a fractional monetary unit of Japan and Indones...
详细解释piccolon.短笛;adj.(乐器)小型的; 变形 复数:piccolos 英英释义 piccolo[ 'piklu ]n.a small flute; pitched an octave abo...
详细解释midgetn.侏儒,小矮人;adj.极小的,微型的; 变形 复数:midgets 英英释义 midget[ 'midit ]n.a person who is markedly small同...
详细解释receptaclen.容器,放置物品的地方; 变形 复数:receptacles 英英释义 receptacle[ ri'septkl ]n.a container that is used to ...
详细解释moneyn.钱;财富;薪水;款项 变形 复数:moniesmoneys 双语释义n.(名词)[U]钱,金钱,货币 means of payment, especially coins a...
详细解释recipientn.接受者;容器;容纳者;adj.容易接受的;感受性强的; 变形 复数:recipients 双语释义n.(名词)[C]接受者 person who...
详细解释vesseln.容器;船,飞船;血管,管束;…的化身 变形 复数:vessels 双语释义n.(名词)[C] 船,舰 a ship or large boat[C] 容器co...
详细解释concealvt.隐藏,隐瞒,遮住; 变形 过去式:concealed过去分词:concealed现在分词:concealing第三人称单数:conceals 双语释义...