共 32 个单词
aciculan.针,刺; 变形 复数:aciculas 英英释义 acicula[ 'sikjul ]n.a needlelike part or structure of a plant or animal o...
详细解释philtren.催情药,春药;vt.刺激,使兴奋;英英释义 philtre[ 'filt ]n.a drink credited with magical power; can make the one...
详细解释pinsn.插脚,(烧陶瓷用)烧针;腿( pin的名词复数 );饰针;大头针发夹;英英释义 pin[ pinz ]n.a piece of jewelry that is pi...
详细解释incitationn.刺激,激励;英英释义 incitation[ ,insai'tein, -si't- ]n.something that incites or provokes; a means of arous...
详细解释stimulativen.刺激,促进因素;adj.刺激的,激励的,促进的;英英释义 stimulative[ 'stimjultiv, -lei- ]adj.capable of arousi...
详细解释turn-onn.旋开,接通,刺激; 变形 复数:turn-ons 英英释义 turn-on[ 't:nn, -:n ]n.something causing excitement or stimulat...
详细解释fillipn.弹指,轻击,刺激;v.用指弹;激起; 变形 复数:fillips 英英释义 fillip[ 'filip ]n.anything that tends to arouse"h...
详细解释instigationn.煽动;教唆;英英释义 instigation[ ,insti'ein ]n.the verbal act of urging on同义词:abetmentabettaldeliberat...
详细解释incitementn.煽动;鼓动; 变形 复数:incitements 英英释义 incitement[ in'saitmnt ] act of urging on or spurring on or...
详细解释stimulationn.刺激;激发;启发;促进英英释义 stimulation[ ,stimju'lein ]n.the act of arousing an organism to actionany st...
详细解释excitementn.兴奋,激动;令人兴奋的事;刺激,振奋; 变形 复数:excitements 双语释义n.(名词)[U]兴奋,激动 the state or qual...
详细解释irritationn.刺激;激怒,恼怒,生气;兴奋;令人恼火的事 变形 复数:irritations 英英释义 irritation[ 英[r'ten] 美[,r'ten] ...
详细解释stimulusn.刺激物;刺激因素;激法物; 变形 复数:stimuli 双语释义n.(名词)[C] 刺激物;激励物;促进因素 sth that causes an ...