共 20 个单词
humanity同义的单词有【the human race】【leniency】【lenience】【human beings】【loving-kindness】【wight】【Homo】【human being】【human race】【clemency】【benignity】【people】【goodness】【liberal studies】【benevolence】【man】【mankind】【kindness】【mortal】【mercy】等。
leniencyn.宽大,仁慈; 变形 复数:lenienceleniencies 英英释义 leniency[ 'li:njns,-si ]n.mercifulness as a consequence of...
详细解释leniencen.宽大,仁慈,从轻的刑罚;宽大,仁慈( leniency的名词复数 ); 变形 复数:lenienceleniencies 英英释义 lenience[ 'l...
详细解释human beingsn.人类( human being的名词复数 );英英释义 human beings n.all of the living human inhabitants of the earth同义...
详细解释loving-kindnessn.慈爱;慈爱,仁慈;恩情;英英释义 loving-kindness[ 'lvi'kaidnis ]n.tender kindness motivated by a feelin...
详细解释wightn.人类,人;英英释义 wight[ wait ]n.a human being; `wight' is an archaic term同义词:creaturean isle and county of ...
详细解释Homo释义人属;英英释义 Homo[ 'humu ]n.someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the ...
详细解释human beingn.人类; 变形 复数:human beings 英英释义 human being n.any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae ...
详细解释human race释义人种;英英释义 human race n.all of the living human inhabitants of the earth同义词:worldhumanityhumankind...
详细解释clemencyn.宽容,仁慈;(尤指气候等)温和; 变形 复数:clemencies 英英释义 clemency[ 'klemnsi ]n.good weather with comfor...
详细解释benignityn.温和;仁慈;善举;善行英英释义 benignity[ bi'ninti ]n.the quality of being kind and gentle同义词:benignancyg...
详细解释goodnessn.良好;善良;精华;上帝int.天哪,哎呀; 双语释义n.(名词)[U]良好,善良,优良 the quality of being good[U]精华,精髓...
详细解释benevolencen.仁慈;善举;捐赠;恩税(旧时英王向民间征收的一种税金)英英释义 benevolence[ bi'nevlns ]n.disposition to do ...
详细解释mankindn.人类;男性,男子; 双语释义n.(名词)[U]人类 the human race 英英释义 mankind[ ,mn'kaind ]n.all of the living huma...
详细解释kindnessn.仁慈,善行;友好的行为; 变形 复数:kindnesses 双语释义n.(名词)[U]亲切,仁慈,好意 the quality of being kind[C]友...