共 56 个单词
tiptopn.绝顶,最高点,黄金时代;adj.出色的,极好的;adv.非常好;英英释义 tiptop[ 'tip'tp ]n.the highest level or degree ...
详细解释stellaradj.星的;星球的;主要的;主角的英英释义 stellaradj.indicating the most important performer or role"a stellar rol...
详细解释okeadj.好的,没问题的;英英释义 OkeOke is both a surname and a given name. Notable people with the name include:以上来源...
详细解释copeseticadj.极好的,棒极的;英英释义 copesetic[ kup'setik ]adj.completely satisfactory同义词:copaceticcopaseticcopeset...
详细解释life-and-deathadj.生死攸关的,重大的;决死;殊死;英英释义 life-and-death[ 'laifn'de ]adj.vitally important"a life-and-d...
详细解释unexcelledadj.未被胜过(或超越)的,无法改善(或改进)的,极好的;英英释义 unexcelled[ nik'seld ]adj.not capable of bein...
详细解释pluperfectn.过去完成时;adj.过去完成时的;英英释义 pluperfect[ ,plu:'p:fikt ]n.a perfective tense used to express action...
详细解释duckyadj.极好的,可喜的,极为愉快的;英英释义 ducky[ 'dki ]n.a special loved one同义词:darlingfavoritefavouritepetdeari...
详细解释copaseticadj.极好的;英英释义 copasetic[ ,kup'setik ]adj.completely satisfactory同义词:copaceticcopeseticcopesettic
详细解释copaceticadj.极好的;英英释义 copacetic[ ,kup'setik ]adj.completely satisfactory"his smile said that everything was copa...
详细解释splendiferousadj.极好的,豪华的;英英释义 splendiferous[ splen'difrs ]adj.having great beauty and splendor"a kind of spl...
详细解释finestn.警察;adj.最好的;英英释义 FinestFinest is a 2-disc compilation album by New Wave and synthpop band Ultravox and...
详细解释superfineadj.过于精细的;极好的;特制的;精制的英英释义 superfine[ ,sju:p'fain ]adj.of extremely fine size or texture"su...
详细解释beaun.喜修饰者;纨绔子弟;情郎;求爱者 变形 复数:beausbeaux 英英释义 beau[ bu ]n.a man who is the lover of a girl or yo...
详细解释bonaadj.好之意的;英英释义 BonaBona is both a given name and a surname. Notable people with the name include:以上来源于:...
详细解释hunkn.厚片,大块;(俚语)强壮;adj.好的;行的; 变形 复数:hunks 英英释义 hunk[ hk ]n.a well-built sexually attractive ...
详细解释unexceptionableadj.完全满意的,无懈可击的;英英释义 unexceptionable[ ,nik'sepnbl ]adj.completely acceptable; not open to...
详细解释fatefuladj.重大的;命中注定的;决定性的;预言性的英英释义 fateful[ 'feitful ]adj.having momentous consequences; of decis...
详细解释fineradj.好的,出色的;英英释义 finer[ 'fain ]adj.(comparative of `fine') greater in quality or excellence"a finer wine"...
详细解释OKabbr.ohne kosten (German=without cost) (德语)不计价;不受约束;ola kala (Greek=all is fine, all is good) (希腊语)都...
详细解释weightyadj.重大的,重要的,严重的;英英释义 weighty[ 'weiti: ]adj.having relatively great weight; heavy"a weighty load";...