共 24 个单词
device同义的单词有【manoeuver】【thingamajig】【thingummy】【thingumajig】【game plan】【footwork】【setting up】【finesse】【manoeuvre】【ruse】【ploy】【apparatus】【fitting】【doohickey】【tactics】【stratagem】【maneuver】【appliance】【gear】【installation】【unit】【tactic】【strategy】【pattern】等。
manoeuvern.作战行动,大演习;调动;英英释义 manoeuverv.act in order to achieve a certain goal同义词:maneuvermanoeuvredi...
详细解释thingamajign.(用以指某人或某事)某人,某件东西;英英释义 thingamajig[ 'imidi ]n.something unspecified whose name is eit...
详细解释thingummyn.某人,某件东西; 变形 复数:thingummies 英英释义 thingummy[ 'imi ]n.something unspecified whose name is eithe...
详细解释thingumajign.(用以指某人或某事)某人,某件东西;英英释义 thingumajig[ 'imdi ]n.something unspecified whose name is eith...
详细解释game plann.策略; 变形 复数:game plans 英英释义 game plan n.(figurative) a carefully thought out strategy for achieving...
详细解释footworkn.步法,要跑腿的工作;英英释义 footwork[ 'fut,w:k ]n.the manner of using the feetskillful maneuvering or dealing...
详细解释rusen.诡计;策略,计策; 变形 复数:ruses 英英释义 ruse[ ru:z, ru:s ]n.a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture...
详细解释ployn.策略,手法;工作;v.横队变纵队; 变形 复数:ploys 英英释义 ploy[ pli ] opening remark intended to secure an ad...
详细解释apparatusn.仪器,器械;机器;机构,机关;器官 变形 复数:apparatuses 双语释义n.(名词)[P]器械,器具,仪器 set of instrument...
详细解释doohickeyn.小玩意,窍门,装置;英英释义 doohickey[ 'du:,hiki ]n.something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or ...
详细解释tacticsn.战术;策略,手段;用兵学;[语]法素学英英释义 tactics[ 'tktiks ]n.the branch of military science dealing with de...
详细解释stratagemn.诡计,计谋;花招; 变形 复数:stratagems 英英释义 stratagem[ 'strtdm ]n.a maneuver in a game or conversation同...
详细解释appliancen.器具,器械,装置;家用电器; 变形 复数:appliances 双语释义n.(名词)[C]器具,器械,装置 instrument or device for...
详细解释installationn.安装;装置;永久性军事基地;就职 变形 复数:installations 双语释义n.(名词)[U]安装,设置; 就职 the act of in...
详细解释unitn.单位,单元;装置;个体;[数]单位数 变形 复数:units 双语释义n.(名词)[C] (工作)单位 group with a special function w...
详细解释strategyn.策略,战略;战略学; 变形 复数:strategies 双语释义n.(名词)[U] 战略学,兵法 the art of planning in advance the ...