共 26 个单词
bottom同义的单词有【rear end】【coit】【nates】【huckle】【vanishing point】【pygal】【extremities】【derriere】【dead end】【crupper】【wazoo】【croup】【posterior】【backside】【rump】【endpoint】【fundus】【breech】【haunch】【underneath】【cheek】【basis】【extreme】【terminal】【stern】【hip】等。
rear endn.后部,臀部;英英释义 rear end n.the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on同义词:buttocksnatesarsebutt...
详细解释natesn.臀部,(脑的)上丘;英英释义 nates[ 'neiti:z ]n.the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on同义词:buttocks...
详细解释vanishing pointn.没影点,尽头; 变形 复数:vanishing points 英英释义 vanishing point n.the point beyond which something ...
详细解释extremitiesn.端点( extremity的名词复数 );尽头;手和足;极窘迫的境地英英释义 extremity[ iks'tremitis ] external body...
详细解释derrieren.臀部,后面;英英释义 derriere[ ,deri' ]n.the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on同义词:buttocksnate...
详细解释dead endn.闭塞不通的一头,死胡同; 变形 复数:dead ends 英英释义 dead end n.a passage with access only at one end同义词:...
详细解释cruppern.兜在马尾下的皮带,马屁股,臀部;牵鞍兜带;英英释义 crupper[ 'krp ]n.a strap from the back of a saddle passing u...
详细解释wazoon.臀部,屁股;英英释义 WazooWazoo (often known as the Wazoo bar) is a candy bar manufactured by Topps incorporated....
详细解释croupn.哮吼,义膜性喉炎,(马牛等的)臀部;英英释义 croup[ kru:p ]n.a disease of infants and young children; harsh cough...
详细解释posterioradj.(时间上)较晚的;在后的;后面的;尾部的n.身体后部,臀部; 变形 复数:posteriors 英英释义 posterior[ p'stir...
详细解释backsiden.臀部,背部;后方; 变形 复数:backsides 英英释义 backside[ ,bk'said ]n.the side of an object that is opposite ...
详细解释rumpn.臀部,尾部;残余部分;牛臀肉;余党 变形 复数:rumps 英英释义 rump[ rmp ]n.the part of a quadruped that corresponds...
详细解释endpointn.端点,终点;英英释义 endpoint[ 'end,pint ]n.a place where something ends or is complete同义词:end pointtermin...
详细解释fundusn.基底,底部,底; 变形 复数:fundi 英英释义 fundus[ 'fnds ]n.(anatomy) the base of a hollow organ or that part of...
详细解释breechn.臀部; 变形 复数:breeches 英英释义 breech[ bri:t, brit ]n.opening in the rear of the barrel of a gun where bull...
详细解释haunchn.腰腿;(鹿等供食用的)腰腿肉; 变形 复数:haunches 英英释义 haunch[ h:nt ]n.the hip and buttock and upper thigh ...
详细解释basisn.基础;主要成分;基准,基本原则; 变形 复数:bases 双语释义n.(名词)[S]原因;缘由 the reason why people take a part...