共 24 个单词
body同义的单词有【barrelful】【sodality】【massiveness】【largeness】【bod】【corporeity】【ruck】【no end】【swag】【soma】【organisation】【junta】【junto】【ton】【ream】【confraternity】【wilderness】【raft】【pile】【billion】【group】【community】【glut】【organization】等。
barrelfuln.一桶之量,大量; 变形 复数:barrelfulsbarrelsful 英英释义 barrelful[ 'brful ]n.the quantity that a barrel (of...
详细解释sodalityn.联谊会; 变形 复数:sodalities 英英释义 sodality[ su'dlti ]n.people engaged in a particular occupation同义词:...
详细解释massivenessn. 沉重;巨大,大块;大量 英英释义 massiveness[ 'msivnis ] unwieldy largeness同义词:bulkinessthe propert...
详细解释largenessn.巨大,宽大,广博;英英释义 largeness[ 'la:dnis ]n.the capacity to understand a broad range of topics"a man di...
详细解释bodn.人; 变形 复数:bods 英英释义 bodn.alternative names for the body of a human being"Leonardo studied the human body"...
详细解释swagn.摇晃;水潭;赃物;珍贵物vi.摇晃,垂下; 变形 复数:swags 英英释义 swag[ sw ]n.valuable goodsgoods or money obtaine...
详细解释soman.身体,肉体,人体细胞; 变形 复数:somata 英英释义 soma[ 'sum ]n.leafless East Indian vine; its sour milky juice fo...
详细解释organisationn.组织,机构,团体;英英释义 organisation[ ,:nai'zein, -ni'z- ] organized structure for arranging or cla...
详细解释juntan.小集团;政务审议会; 变形 复数:juntas 英英释义 junta[ 'dnt ]n.a group of military officers who rule a country af...
详细解释junton.政治集团; 变形 复数:juntos 英英释义 junto[ 'dntu ]n.a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through in...
详细解释tonn.吨;大量,许多; 变形 复数:tons 双语释义n.(名词)[C]吨 a measure of weight[C]大量,许多 a very large quantity 英英释...
详细解释confraternityn.团体,帮会,协会; 变形 复数:confraternities 英英释义 ConfraternityA confraternity is normally a Roman C...
详细解释billionn.十亿 ;数以十亿计;大量; 双语释义n.(名词)[C]one thousand million; 1,000,000,000; 109十亿 英英释义 billion[ '...
详细解释communityn.社区;社会团体;共同体;[生态] 群落 变形 复数:communities 双语释义n.(名词)[C]社区,社会; 团体 a group of peop...
详细解释organizationn.组织;机构;团体;adj.有组织的; 变形 复数:organizations 双语释义n.(名词)[C]团体,机构 a group of people w...