共 19 个单词
sensoriumn.感觉中枢,感觉器官;英英释义 sensorium[ sen's:rim ]n.the areas of the brain that process and register incomin...
详细解释senselessly释义毫无知觉地;无意识地;不省人事地;英英释义 senselessly[ 'senslisli ] a meaningless and purposeless ...
详细解释sensualismn.耽于声色,肉欲主义,感觉论;英英释义 sensualism[ 'sensjulizm, -u- ]n.desire for sensual pleasures同义词:sen...
详细解释sensuouslyadv.感觉上;英英释义 sensuously[ 'senusli ]adv.with aesthetic gratification or delight"sensuously delighting i...
详细解释sensateadj.感知的,知觉的;英英释义 sensate[ 'senseit ]adj.having physical sensation"sensate creatures"
详细解释sensorialadj.知觉的,感觉的;英英释义 sensorial[ sen's:ril ]adj.involving or derived from the senses同义词:sensory
详细解释sensualistn.耽于声色的人,肉欲主义者,感觉论者;英英释义 sensualist[ 'sensjulist, -u- ]n.a person who enjoys sensuality
详细解释sensingn.感觉;读出;辨向;指向英英释义 sensing[ 'sensi ]n.the perception that something has occurred or some state exis...
详细解释sensorineuraladj.感觉神经的;英英释义 sensorineural[ ,sensri'njurl ]adj.of or relating to the neural process of sensatio...
详细解释sensorimotoradj.感觉运动的;英英释义 sensorimotor[ sensri'mut ]adj.of or relating to the sensory and motor coordination ...
详细解释sensationalistn.感觉论者;英英释义 sensationalist[ sen'seinlist ]n.someone who uses exaggerated or lurid material in ord...
详细解释sensuousadj.感觉(上)的;感官的;(引起)美感的;英英释义 sensuous[ 'sensjus, -u- ]adj.taking delight in beauty"the sen...
详细解释sensorn.传感器,灵敏元件; 变形 复数:sensors 英英释义 sensor[ 'sens, -s: ]n.any device that receives a signal or stimul...
详细解释sensualadj.感觉的;肉欲的,肉体上的;色情的,淫荡的;世俗的英英释义 sensual[ 'sensjul, -u- ]adj.marked by the appetites ...
详细解释senselessadj.无知的;愚蠢的;无意义的;无感觉的英英释义 senseless[ 'senslis ]adj.not marked by the use of reason"a sense...
详细解释sensationn.感觉;直觉;知觉;轰动 变形 复数:sensations 双语释义n.(名词)[U] [C] 感觉,感受feeling[U] [C] 知觉 ability to...
详细解释sensationaladj.轰动的;耸人听闻的;极好的;绝妙的英英释义 sensational[ sen'seinl ]adj.causing intense interest, curiosit...