共 14 个单词
cytologicadj.[医] 细胞学的;英英释义 cytologicadj.of or relating to the science of cytology同义词:cytological
详细解释cytomegalovirusn.巨细胞病毒;英英释义 cytomegalovirus[ 'saitu,melu'vairs ]n.any of a group of herpes viruses that enlarg...
详细解释cytotoxinn.细胞毒素;英英释义 cytotoxin[ ,sait'tksin ]n.any substance that has a toxic effect on cells
详细解释cytoplastn.胞质,细胞质;英英释义 cytoplast[ 'saitplst ]n.the intact cytoplasmic content of a cell
详细解释cytolysisn.细胞溶解;英英释义 cytolysis[ sai'tlisis ]n.pathological breakdown of cells by the destruction of their outer...
详细解释cytoplasticadj.胞体质的,细胞质的;英英释义 cytoplastic[ sait'plstik ]adj.of or relating to a cytoplast
详细解释cytological释义细胞学的;英英释义 cytological[ sai'tldikl ]adj.of or relating to the science of cytology同义词:cytologi...
详细解释cytoskeletonn.细胞骨架;英英释义 cytoskeleton[ ,saitu'skeltn ]n.a microscopic network of actin filaments and microtubule...
详细解释cytotoxicadj.细胞毒素的;英英释义 cytotoxic[ ,sait'tksik ]adj.of or relating to substances that are toxic to cells
详细解释cytoplasmn.细胞质,细胞浆;英英释义 cytoplasm[ 'saituplzm ]n.the protoplasm of a cell excluding the nucleus; is full of ...
详细解释cytologistn.细胞学者;英英释义 cytologist[ sai'tldist ]n.a biologist who studies the structure and function of cells
详细解释cytologyn.细胞学;英英释义 cytology[ sai'tldi ]n.the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells