共 15776 个单词
Word-Menu相关的的单词有【sea anchor】【sea breeze】【seato】【secondary color】【section gang】【secondary stress】【second-guess】【second person】【second class】【section mark】【sea bass】【secondary sex characteristic】【secretary bird】【sea moss】【secret society】【secondary cell】【Securities and Exchange Commission】【secret agent】【seafloor】【sea green】【seadog】【caco-】【caddis fly】【cabin fever】【caerphilly】【cachucha】【cabala】【caddis】【cabinetmaking】【call-in】【calumet】【cabriole】【cableway】【cabin cruiser】【calli-】【calfskin】【cachepot】【call box】【ca'canny】【cacique】等。
sea anchorn.海锚;英英释义 sea anchor n.restraint consisting of a canvas covered frame that floats behind a vessel; prev...
详细解释sea breezen.(白天吹向内陆的)海风; 变形 复数:sea breezes 英英释义 sea breeze n.a cooling breeze from the sea (during ...
详细解释secondary colorn.合成色,间色;英英释义 Secondary colorA secondary color is a color made by mixing two primary colors in...
详细解释section gangn.(铁)工段养路班;英英释义 section gang n.a work crew assigned to a section of a railroad
详细解释secondary stress释义次应力;英英释义 Secondary stressSecondary stress (or obsolete secondary accent) is the weaker of tw...
详细解释second-guessv.事后劝告,预言; 变形 过去式:second-guessed过去分词:second-guessed现在分词:second-guessing第三人称单数:...
详细解释second personn.第二人称;英英释义 second person n.pronouns and verbs used to refer to the person addressed by the langua...
详细解释second classn.第二堂课;二流;英英释义 second class n.not the highest rank in a classificationnot the highest quality in...
详细解释sea bassn.黑鲈,鲈科鱼的总称(尤指巨大的硬磷类);英英释义 sea bass n.the lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family S...
详细解释secondary sex characteristicn.第二性征;英英释义 secondary sex characteristic n.the genetically determined sex character...
详细解释secretary birdn.蛇鹫;英英释义 secretary bird n.large long-legged African bird of prey that feeds on reptiles同义词:Sag...
详细解释sea mossn.苔藓虫,角叉菜;英英释义 sea moss n.sessile aquatic animal forming mossy colonies of small polyps each having ...
详细解释secret societyn.秘密社团;帮会;英英释义 secret society n.a society that conceals its activities from nonmembers
详细解释secondary celln.蓄电池;英英释义 secondary cell n.a cell that can be recharged同义词:storage cell
详细解释Securities and Exchange Commission释义[财]证券交易委员会;英英释义 Securities and Exchange Commission n.an independent f...
详细解释secret agentn.特工人员,特务; 变形 复数:secret agents 英英释义 secret agent n.a person secretly employed in espionage ...
详细解释sea greenn.海绿色;英英释义 sea green n.the property of a moderate green color resembling the waters of the seaadj.of th...
详细解释caddis flyn.石蛾(石蚕的成虫);英英释义 caddis fly n.small moth-like insect having two pairs of hairy membranous wings ...
详细解释cabin fevern.幽居病;英英释义 Cabin FeverCabin Fever is the ninth mixtape by American rapper Wiz Khalifa. It was release...
详细解释caerphilly释义卡尔菲利干酪(一种威尔士全脂白干酪);英英释义 CaerphillyCaerphilly is a constituency of the National Asse...
详细解释cachuchan.卡楚恰舞;英英释义 CachuchaCachucha is a Spanish solo dance in 3/4 to 3/8 of the time similar to Bolero. Cachu...
详细解释cabalan.(中世纪)犹太神秘哲学,秘法;英英释义 cabala[ k'b:l ]n.an esoteric or occult matter resembling the Kabbalah tha...
详细解释cabinetmakingn.组阁;细木工艺;英英释义 cabinetmaking[ 'kbinit,meiki ]n.the craft of a joiner同义词:joinery
详细解释call-inn.电话交谈节目; 变形 复数:call-ins 英英释义 call-in[ 'k:lin ]n.a telephone call to a radio station or a televis...
详细解释calumetn.北美洲土人所用的一种烟斗,和平的象征;英英释义 calumet[ 'kljumet ]n.a highly decorated ceremonial pipe of Ameri...
详细解释cabin cruisern.可住宿的游艇; 变形 复数:cabin cruisers 英英释义 cabin cruiser n.a large motorboat that has a cabin and ...
详细解释calfskinn.小牛的皮,犊皮所制的革;英英释义 calfskin[ 'k:fskin ]n.fine leather from the skin of a calf同义词:calf
详细解释cachepotn.放置花盆的装饰性托盆;英英释义 CachepotA cachepot (from the French Cache-pot = hiding a pot) is a decorative c...
详细解释call boxn.公共电话亭,公共电话间; 变形 复数:call boxes 英英释义 call box n.booth for using a telephone同义词:telephon...