共 21 个单词
Vocabulary-22000相关的的单词有【intrastate】【intraparty】【hors d'oeuvres】【lucullan】【at variance】【billet-doux】【entre nous】【lettre de cachet】【bas-relief】【underpayment】【mezzotint】【pan-american】【musicale】【nouveaux riches】【withholding tax】【toreador】【mot juste】【mezzo-soprano】【superabundance】【torero】【majolica】等。
intrastateadj.州内的(尤指美国的州内);英英释义 intrastate[ ,intr'steit ]adj.relating to or existing within the boundar...
详细解释hors d'oeuvresn.餐前点心;拼盘;英英释义 hors d'oeuvre n.a dish served as an appetizer before the main meal
详细解释lucullanadj.富裕的,奢侈的;英英释义 lucullan[ lu:'kln ]adj.characterized by extravagance and profusion"a lucullan feast...
详细解释billet-douxn.情书; 变形 复数:billets-doux 英英释义 billet-doux[ ,bilei'du: ]n.a personal letter to a loved one express...
详细解释entre nousn.只限于咱俩之间,你知我知,不能让外人知道;英英释义 Entre nous"Entre Nous"is the name of a 2003 song recorded...
详细解释lettre de cachetn.有封印密信;英英释义 lettre de cachet n.a warrant formerly issued by a French king who could warrant i...
详细解释bas-reliefn.浅浮雕,浅浮雕品; 变形 复数:bas-reliefs 英英释义 bas-relief[ 'bsrili:f ]n.a sculptural relief in which for...
详细解释underpaymentn.不足工资,缴付不足;英英释义 underpayment[ 'nd'peimnt ]n.a payment smaller than needed or expectedthe act ...
详细解释mezzotintn.金属版印刷法;vt.把…制成金属版; 变形 复数:mezzotints过去式:mezzotinted过去分词:mezzotinted现在分词:mezz...
详细解释pan-americanadj.泛美洲的;英英释义 Pan-AmericanDrumhead"logos such as these often adorned the ends of observation cars o...
详细解释withholding taxn.代扣所得税; 变形 复数:withholding taxes 英英释义 withholding tax n.income tax withheld from employees...
详细解释toreadorn.(骑在马上的)西班牙斗牛士;英英释义 toreador[ 'trid:, ,t:'re::r ]n.someone who fights bulls同义词:bullfighte...
详细解释mot justen.十分恰当的话,非常贴切的字眼;英英释义 mot juste [ ,mu'ju:st ]n.the appropriate word or expression
详细解释mezzo-sopranon.女中音部,女中音,女中音歌唱者; 变形 复数:mezzo-sopranos 英英释义 mezzo-sopranon.a soprano with a voice...
详细解释superabundancen.多余,剩余,过多;英英释义 superabundance[ ,sju:pr'bndns ]n.a quantity that is more than what is appropr...
详细解释toreron.(尤指徒步的)斗牛士; 变形 复数:toreros 英英释义 torero[ tu'rru, t:'rer: ]n.a matador or one of the supporting...