共 56 个单词
V-for-vendetta相关的的单词有【sarge】【chop-chop】【take five】【darkie】【malarkey】【cock up】【bint】【pooftah】【finger man】【tuppenny】【put paid to】【whitefly】【Nissen hut】【look in the eye】【concentration camp】【Jezebel】【for keeps】【couturier】【tear gas】【mea culpa】【cor】【kipper】【vox populi】【APO】【overdrawn】【GBH】【lysergic acid】【twixt】【yid】【undersign】【gyre】【sky pilot】【in a state】【pack it up】【mustard gas】【leatherette】【malarky】【rollick】【chin-wag】【porky】等。
sargen.警官,军士长,军士;英英释义 SargeSarge is a 1976 album by Delroy Wilson, originally released on the LTD label in...
详细解释chop-chopadv.快点,赶快;int.快点,赶快!;英英释义 chop-chop[ 'tp'tp ]adv.with rapid movements同义词:quicklyrapidlyspe...
详细解释malarkeyn.废话;蠢行;英英释义 MalarkeyMalarkey was a board game published by Parker Brothers and Hersch and Company of ...
详细解释cock up释义[体]提到;英英释义 cock up n.something badly botched or muddled同义词:ballupballs-upcockupmess-upv.raise同义...
详细解释whiteflyn.粉虱;橘黄粉虱;英英释义 whitefly[ 'hwaitflai ]n.minute insect that feeds on plant juices; related to scale in...
详细解释Nissen hut释义金属结构掩蔽棚屋;英英释义 Nissen hut n.a prefabricated hut of corrugated iron having a semicircular cross...
详细解释concentration campn.集中营; 变形 复数:concentration camps 英英释义 concentration camp n.a penal camp where political p...
详细解释Jezebeln.无耻放荡的女人恶毒的女人;[电影]红衫泪痕;英英释义 Jezebel[ 'dezbl ]n.wife of Ahab who was king of Israel; acco...
详细解释couturiern.女裁缝师,女服设计师; 变形 复数:couturiers 英英释义 couturier[ ku:'turi,ei ]n.someone who designs clothing同...
详细解释tear gasn.催泪瓦斯;英英释义 tear gas [ ti ]n.a gas that makes the eyes fill with tears but does not damage them; used i...
详细解释mea culpan.我的过失,我应负的责任;英英释义 mea culpa [ 'mi:'klp ]n.an acknowledgment of your error or guilt
详细解释corint.轻微的感叹词(表示惊讶、羡慕等);英英释义 CORCOR is a labelling system used to identify kosher foods in Canada. ...
详细解释kippern.腌鱼;vt.腌; 变形 复数:kippers 英英释义 kipper[ 'kip ]n.salted and smoked herring同义词:kippered herring
详细解释vox populin.舆论,人民的心声;英英释义 vox populi [ 'vks'ppjulai ]n.a belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voi...
详细解释lysergic acidn.麦角酸,麦角酸;英英释义 lysergic acid [ lai's:dik ]n.a crystalline acid often used in medical research; ...
详细解释twixtprep.在…之间;英英释义 TwixTA computer-generated image of a game of TwixT (as played on littlegolem.net)以上来源...
详细解释undersignvt.在…的下面签名,签名于末尾; 变形 过去式:undersigned过去分词:undersigned现在分词:undersigning第三人称单数...
详细解释gyrevi.回旋,旋转;n.旋转,回旋;(洋流中的)涡流;英英释义 gyre[ 'dai ]n.a round shape formed by a series of concentric...
详细解释sky pilotn.牧师,飞行员;英英释义 sky pilot n.a chaplain in one of the military services同义词:military chaplainpadreHo...
详细解释mustard gasn.芥子气(毒气的一种);英英释义 mustard gas n.a toxic war gas with sulfide based compounds that raises blist...
详细解释leatheretten.人造皮,假皮;英英释义 leatherette[ ,le'ret ]n.fabric made to look like leather同义词:imitation leather
详细解释rollickvi.& n.欢闹; 变形 过去式:rollicked过去分词:rollicked现在分词:rollicking第三人称单数:rollicks 英英释义 rollic...
详细解释chin-wagn.& vi.闲谈;英英释义 chin-wagn.light informal conversation for social occasions同义词:chitchatsmall talkgabgab...