共 19 个单词
V字仇杀队-V-for-Vendetta-2006相关的的单词有【mea culpa】【blowjob】【haply】【canonize】【Lo and behold】【votive】【pucker up】【sendoff】【vox】【vaudevillian】【behoove】【vichyssoise】【verily】【vouchsafe】【vicissitudes】【zealotry】【valorous】【vivify】【modus operandi】等。
mea culpan.我的过失,我应负的责任;英英释义 mea culpa [ 'mi:'klp ]n.an acknowledgment of your error or guilt
详细解释haplyadv.偶然地,大致上,或许;英英释义 haply[ 'hpli ]adv.by accident"betrayed by a word haply overheard"同义词:by chan...
详细解释votiveadj.奉献的;还愿;英英释义 votive[ 'vutiv ]adj.dedicated in fulfillment of a vow"votive prayers"
详细解释pucker upv.发脾气,使缩拢;英英释义 Pucker UpPucker Up (1953) was an American Champion Thoroughbred racing mare. She was...
详细解释voxn.嗓音,声音;英英释义 vox[ vks ]n.the sound made by the vibration of vocal folds modified by the resonance of the vo...
详细解释vaudevilliann.轻歌舞剧编剧者,杂耍演员;英英释义 vaudevillian[ ,vud'viljn ]n.a performer who works in vaudeville
详细解释vichyssoisen.维希奶油浓汤(用韭葱、土豆等烹制的奶油汤,通常冷食);英英释义 vichyssoisen.a creamy potato soup flavored w...
详细解释verilyadv.真实地,真正地;英英释义 verily[ 'verli ]adv.truly or confidentially"I verily think so"in truth; beyond doubt ...
详细解释vouchsafevt.给予,赐予;允诺; 变形 过去式:vouchsafed过去分词:vouchsafed现在分词:vouchsafing第三人称单数:vouchsafes ...
详细解释vicissitudesn.变迁,世事变化;变迁兴衰( vicissitude的名词复数 );盛衰兴废;英英释义 vicissitude[ vi'sisitju:dz ]n.a vari...
详细解释zealotryn.狂热行为;英英释义 zealotry[ 'zeltri ]n.excessive intolerance of opposing views同义词:fanaticismfanatism
详细解释modus operandin.做法,惯技;英英释义 modus operandi [ 'mudus,upe'r:ndi: ]n.an unvarying or habitual method or procedure同...