共 26 个单词
Unlock-3-Wordlist相关的的单词有【congestion charge】【natural history】【road rage】【bus lane】【engagement ring】【registry office】【carbon neutral】【can't afford to】【economic growth】【lose money】【centre of gravity】【precious metal】【save time】【subsistence farming】【market value】【genetic modification】【come to mind】【make a discovery】【pay a bill】【save energy】【make something out】【go on for】【break the law】【natural resources】【casual clothes】【marriage certificate】等。
natural historyn.博物学,有关博物学的书;英英释义 natural history n.the scientific study of plants or animals (more obse...
详细解释bus lanen.(街道上的)公共汽车专用车道; 变形 复数:bus lanes 英英释义 bus lane n.a traffic lane intended for buses only
详细解释engagement ringn.订婚戒指; 变形 复数:engagement rings 英英释义 engagement ring n.a ring given and worn as a sign of be...
详细解释registry officen.登记处; 变形 复数:registry offices 英英释义 Registry OfficeAs a regulator, the primary mandate of the...
详细解释economic growth释义经济增长;英英释义 economic growth n.steady growth in the productive capacity of the economy (and so ...
详细解释centre of gravity释义重心;[化] 重心; 变形 复数:centres of gravity 英英释义 centre of gravity n.the point within somet...
详细解释precious metaln.贵金属; 变形 复数:precious metals 英英释义 precious metal n.any of the less common and valuable metals...
详细解释subsistence farmingn.少有余粮的农场经营;英英释义 subsistence farming n.farming that provides for the basic needs of the...
详细解释market valuen.(有别于账面价值的)市场价值,市价;英英释义 market value n.the price at which buyers and sellers trade th...
详细解释natural resourcesn.天然资源;自然资源;富源;英英释义 natural resources n.resources (actual and potential) supplied by n...