共 208 个单词
salahn.(伊斯兰教)礼拜;英英释义 salah[ s'l: ]n.the second pillar of Islam is prayer; a prescribed liturgy performed fi...
详细解释sanctificationn.神圣化,神灵化,使神圣;英英释义 sanctification[ ,sktifi'kein ]n.a religious ceremony in which something...
详细解释seirn.预言家,先知者,幻想家;英英释义 SeirSeir (, "Rough, hairy"). It is sometimes used as an alternative term for a go...
详细解释cankerwormn.尺蠖;英英释义 cankerworm[ 'kkw:m ] caterpillar of a geometrid moth; pest of various fruit and shade ...
详细解释servitorn.仆人,随从;英英释义 servitor[ 's:vit ]n.someone who performs the duties of an attendant for someone else
详细解释shilohn.夏伊洛(美国田纳西州一国家公园,南北战争时的战场);英英释义 shiloh[ 'ailu ]n.the second great battle of the Ame...
详细解释silvanusn.(古意大利的)森林田野之神;释义[男子名] 西尔维纳斯 Silas的变体;英英释义 silvanus[ sil'veins ]n.(Roman mythol...
详细解释siseran.西西拉(故事人物);英英释义 SiseraYael Killing Sisera, by [[Palma the Younger.]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释churln.下贱的人;吝啬鬼;村夫;农夫英英释义 churl[ t:l ]n.a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement同...
详细解释philippin.腓力比(希腊马其顿地区古城,今已毁);英英释义 philippi[ fi'lipai; 'fil- ]n.a city in ancient Macedonia that w...
详细解释malachin.(圣经)希伯莱的先知,玛拉基书;英英释义 malachi[ 'ml,kai ]n.a Hebrew minor prophet of the 5th century BC同义词...
详细解释Pilate释义[古生物]基柱;英英释义 Pilate[ 'pailt ]n.the Roman procurator of Judea who ordered that Jesus be crucified (di...
详细解释massan.(南部黑人用语)主人;英英释义 MassaMassa is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上来源于:Wikipe...
详细解释haggain.哈该(希伯来的先知);英英释义 haggai[ 'heiai ]n.a Hebrew minor prophet同义词:Aggeusan Old Testament book telli...
详细解释galatian.古代亚细亚的一个王国,后为罗马属地;英英释义 galatia[ ''leii ] ancient country in central Asia Minor
详细解释ananiasn.亚拿尼亚(圣经中人物,因欺骗圣灵而死),撒谎者;英英释义 ananias[ ,n'nais ]n.a habitual liar (after a New Testa...
详细解释timbreln.小手鼓;铃鼓;英英释义 timbrel[ 'timbrl ]n.small hand drum similar to a tambourine; formerly carried by itinera...
详细解释obadiahn.俄巴底亚(希伯来先知); (中的一卷);英英释义 obadiah[ ,ub'dai ]n.a Hebrew minor prophet同义词:Abdiasan Old Te...
详细解释elamn.埃兰(亚洲西南部一古国);释义[人名] 伊拉姆;英英释义 elam[ 'i:lm ] ancient country in southwestern Asia east ...